Best Scene Ever

As a lover of pirate movies and old sailing ship movies in general, I vote for the scene of the ship coming around the corner of the island to save Kermit and Miss Piggy at the end of the movie as one of the 10 best cinemagraphic (non speaking)moments in modern film. (Right ahead of the Raiders of the lost arc scene with the man with the swords being shot)

"We're going to need a bigger boat..."


I love the scene with the role call and we see Big-fat-ugly-butt-faced-baby-eating-O'brien. It's just brilliant.

movies rock the world


That Woman(?) has to be the funniest thing I have ever seen in a kids movie, I wanted to name my cat after her.


My favorite has to be the end when silver gets away and the first mate comes up and says

Captain Smollet
I have the most distressing news.
One of the jolly boats is missing
and I know for a fact it was
terribly unsafe.

And they just dont say anything and look out into the fog and darkness thats just perfect its one of the best scenes in movie history I absolutely love it the power and meaning of those words alone is just fantastic.



That was a cool scene.

I just watched it again today, because the movie is just funny. I gotta say, I think one of my favourite parts has gotta be after that sappy song in the very beginning, and Billy Connelly come bursting in "Rum lads! I need more rum!" And the Jimy-jim-jim-jim-jim part.

Considering I think Tim Curry and Billy Connelly are wonderful actors, this movie is a joy to see every time.


I love any scene involving Tim Curry (Long John Silver). He was so gorgeous in this movie. Arr!!

~Morgenstern ach Sheine, auf die Seele mein.~


The Cabin Fever song! That's my favorite scene in any movie EVER!!! Seriously.

Smiley faces will rule the world!!!!!!


The whole movie is the greatest, but my favorite scene is the whole confrontation scene between Piggy and Kermit... Best line out of that scene... "Hello, Looong John!" "What?! Him too?!"


I loved the pirates' song... the lyrics are so funny, and I just like the idea of a profesional pirate.

When you're a professional piraaaate...
You don't have to wear a suit!... what?


I love the intro with the talking tiki heads. So hilarious!

Boom shaka laka laka boom shaka laka laka.!

shaka lakaaaa....


It was about the sixth time I watched this film that I finally got the 'Looooong John' reference.

I'm anespeptic, frasmotic, even compunctuous to have caused you such pericumbobulations...


Yeah, Cabin Fever. The first time I heard "this once proud vessel has become a floating psycho ward!", I fell off my chair.

"Professional Pirate" puts the hair on my arms, too. Tim Curry is SO sexy.

"For that, you sold your everlastin soul?"
"Well, I wasn't usin it."


The best scene was the "Shiver My Timbers" sequence

If these demands are not met, a disater beyond your imagination will occur!-The Phantom


I also love the shot of the nerdy red haired freckled puppet in the cabin fever song saying "off to see the world". Anyway, that was just hilarious when I saw that puppet because it looks absolutely hideous, lol.
