MovieChat Forums > Muppet Treasure Island (1996) Discussion > A Muppet controlling another muppet? A ...

A Muppet controlling another muppet? A puppet puppeteer in this movie?

Anyone else ever notice during the roll call that there's an (I think unnamed) Muppet who seems to control and move his mouth for all 3 of the "Toms" ("Old Tom, ..Real Old Tom, ... dead Tom "!). It's a brown one w/a floppy hat. I guess this is an inside joke. Because I'm always cracking up during the Roll Call I never noticed before. Then I thought it was just for "Dead Tom", but watch closely and it's like he's doing the voice for all 3!
Gotta love Muppet humor!


Just rewatched the scene (0:29 in this video: It looks like the brown Muppet doesn't speak when Old Tom says aye and only opens his mouth by coincidence when Real Old Tom says aye (you'll notice his mouth opens a bit after Real Old Tom starts speaking), but he is indeed controlling Dead Tom and "voicing" him (since, naturally, he's dead).

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.
