If you could pay? Why couldn't you PAY? What would be stopping you?
You probably mean, if a thousand bucks would make you stop smoking, it would be worth the investment.
I disagree.
In my opinion, it's best to never quit. You can just 'pause' instead. That way, it's not so final, and doesn't stress you out so much, as you can continue any time you want. Just prolong the pause each morning 'just a little bit', and enjoy fresh air or something, before you have to make your lungs feel pain and your body feel heavy again - just prolong this 'ligher' feeling a little bit longer to enjoy the nature, etc.
You will smoke soon, but you can enjoy this more fun way of breathing just a little bit more before making the leap to the 'heavy feeling' again. Just a little bit longer.
It's like having to go to sleep at 22 pm, but wanting to see how the movie ends, so you'll go to bed in 30 minutes or so. Whops, it's suddenly 22:45 pm,. well, you'll go to sleep at 23:00. And so on.. soon, very soon... and before you know it, it's 6 am.
To pay something you shouldn't even do in the first place, especially when you can get a better option for free, is not a good investment.