I would imagine that the problem of being a clone and trying to pass off as the original would be making sure everything is exact including making sure their eating habits are all exactly the same so there's no noticeable weight differences. They have to make sure they don't get cuts or scars where people can see difference within them all. They would all have to stay out of the sun or have equal amount of sunlight or else there would be a difference in skin tone. It doesn't sound like an easy task...
"..making sure their eating habits are all exactly the same so there's no noticeable weight differences."
Weight differences are not that noticeable to begin with, unless they're extreme, and then it's more the shape of the body than the weight that people notice.
Not only would the 'eating habits' (if you want to call it that instead of a routine or even ritual) have to be similar (not identical), but they would have to eat at the same time, during same hour of the day every time, or it could change metabolism radically, which is what would make difference in your body.
They would also have to have the same amount of exercize and stress, because that can be a factor in that as well.
What if one of them wants to go to the gym, but another just wants to watch TV.. not gonna work. They're all going to have to copy whatever original Doug is doing, when it comes to nourishment (same food) and exercize.
Same haircuts all the time, by the way. Finger-, and toenails have to be cut at the same time.
" They have to make sure they don't get cuts or scars where people can see difference within them all."
Not really. What do you get when you get a cut or scar? You usually cover it with some kind of protection, like a band-aid. So then everyone can just wear a band-aid, not a big deal, but annoying, of course.
If the scar is bad enough, they can just introduce themselves as someone different (different haircut and fake moustache would go a long way to make it believable) anyway, not a big deal. For many of the tasks they don't have to pass off as anyone, it's enough if they do the work. What does anyone care if Doug hires someone that doesn't look like him to do his kitchen work, for example? (Which is what he SHOULD have done in the first place!)
" They would all have to stay out of the sun or have equal amount of sunlight or else there would be a difference in skin tone.
It doesn't sound like an easy task... "
I mean, people aren't that observant; if your skin tone fluctuates, but someone sees you once a week, are they really going to think "Oh no, he must be a clone!!11"
No. They're not going to remember or notice, but even if they do, they just think you were in the sun or out the sun. Not very difficult.
It also takes awhile to get a tan, this could only be a disaster if one of them gets a big tan, and someone sees him, then that someone sees another number that didn't get any tan, and their face is much brighter shade, in a short period of time, and then wonders about it. As long as the difference is not MASSIVE, no one's going to notice or pay attention.