MovieChat Forums > Mission: Impossible (1996) Discussion > Jim Phelp's plan was very risky.

Jim Phelp's plan was very risky.

Does anyone else think that Jim Phelp's plan was kind of out there? Hoping that Tom Cruise would successfully come up with the plan to end up on that train after stealing the NOC list is very wishful thinking even with his aides guiding his thoughts and actions.


I'll go you one (or two better)... so many of the character motivations and plot devices along that line make zero sense.

1. Phelps and Claire obviously succeeded in selling Max the (unbeknownst to them) fake NOC list, and got $125k for it. Since Phelps went through the trouble of faking his own death, and Claire was MIA to the rest of the team, wouldn't the next part of the plan be to drop out of sight? Turning traitor meant they obviously were done working, time to call it a day with one last big payday. They are world class spies, they should have an easy time disappearing and living on that $125k. In other words, what was the motivation for them to even go back to the safe house and stick around? There wasn't any that movie/plot made clear as far as I could tell.

2. Even if you suspend disbelief on my first point, secondly... if Claire, Phelps and Krieger were all working together to get the NOC list and sell it... after Claire finds out the first one was fake, and they get the real one from Langley... wouldn't the obvious move then be to swipe the real one and re-contact and re-negotiate a sale with Max? Claire has Ethan's trust at that point... easily could have taken it with Krieger's help, whether by stealth or gunpoint. Even after the hokey "magic trick" scene with the disk, Krieger knows there are two disks. Take them both, meet up with Phelps and go. That just seems so much easier and less risky. I mean seriously... Ethan totally thought they were working with him, how easy it would have been to kill him and just take the disks at any point at he safe house. The point... they already had contact with Max through Phelps... there was ZERO need to let him make all the moves and use him to set the meet with Max on the train. In fact, that would just one more thing to STOP them. Makes ZERO sense.

I do enjoy this movie a lot for the eye candy... but the script is seriously one convoluted, hot mess with plot holes aplenty.


I don't know if you guys will ever see this or even still care, but here's my attempt at explaining these issues.


Does anyone else think that Jim Phelp's plan was kind of out there? Hoping that Tom Cruise would successfully come up with the plan to end up on that train after stealing the NOC list is very wishful thinking even with his aides guiding his thoughts and actions.

Phelps’ original plan never involved things like Ethan going to the CIA, stealing the NOC list, or contacting Max. He wasn’t hoping for Ethan to do anything except get framed as the mole.

Phelps was so desperate for his payday that when he found out Ethan was trying to get the real disc and sell it to Max by himself, he had no choice but to have Claire/Krieger tag along with Ethan every step of the way and see if there was money at the end of the tunnel for him to swipe. It wasn't really a plan, just a waiting game.

They are world class spies, they should have an easy time disappearing and living on that $125k. In other words, what was the motivation for them to even go back to the safe house and stick around?

Why not leave with $125k: I think they already used that $125k to frame Ethan. This is roughly the same amount of money that IMF found deposited into the account of Ethan’s parents, which led them to suspect him in the first place. Anyway this little bit of money meant nothing to Phelps/Claire. The whole reason they threw away their lives was for the big 6 million dollar payday if the disc passed a scan test, not for $125k.

Why they went back to the safehouse and stuck around: Someone (Claire) needed to stay alive and get an update from Ethan. Did IMF suspect him of killing the other agents? Did the frame job work? Was he disavowed? Does Ethan suspect Phelps of framing him? If IMF doesn’t suspect Ethan, who are they going after?... etc etc…Phelps and Claire still needed to wrap up these loose ends so they can disappear knowing everything went smoothly and they don’t have to keep looking over their shoulder.

After Claire finds out the first one was fake, and they get the real one from Langley... wouldn't the obvious move then be to swipe the real one and re-contact and re-negotiate a sale with Max? There was ZERO need to let Ethan make all the moves and use him to set the meet with Max on the train.

Well, considering that Max is an infamous arms dealer who just found out that “Job” (Phelps) betrayed her by giving her a faulty disc, I would guess that there’s no chance in hell Phelps would dare approach her again. She pretty much hates his guts at this point. Next, Max is now locked into a deal with Ethan to buy the real NOC list (she already gave him a $150k advance) so she is expecting to get the product from him, not some new guy (or “Job” again). She almost got busted the first time (when IMF found her within 2 minutes of using the fake disc) so she’s on her guard. She’s not going to trust any more random sellers.

Phelps/Claire/Krieger need Ethan to conduct the sale because he’s the only one Max trusts. Taking the disc from Ethan is not the hard part. It’s selling the disc under the radar that they’re worried about. If they kill him, they lose this opportunity to get a quick 6 million. It won’t be easy for them to find a new legitimate buyer soon who would pay this much.


That just seems so much easier and less risky. I mean seriously... Ethan totally thought they were working with him, how easy it would have been to kill him and just take the disks at any point at he safe house. The point... they already had contact with Max through Phelps... there was ZERO need to let him make all the moves and use him to set the meet with Max on the train. In fact, that would just one more thing to STOP them. Makes ZERO sense.
Ummm... Phelps and Claire didn't want the disk. They were doing it for the money. Ten. Million. Dollars. Duh.

Getting $10 million from Max (when the original deal was only $6 million and Phelps had already screwed up) while risking getting caught by the CIA/IMF with an incriminating disk in possession is much harder and riskier than letting a "naive, easy-to-manipulate boy scout" (or so they thought) do all the work for them and steal the $10 million from him afterward.

And if the disk turned out to be fake/a decoy again, then Hunt would be the one in trouble with Max, not Phelps.

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"
