This is an 'action' movie?

There were literally no action scenes. A few quick and tony thrills but I see people saying this is one of the best action films of all time, and I don't see how. I was rather bored watching it, and I could tell te "twist" as soon as the old guy went over the bridge. Does the series get more action-y as they go?


There were action scenes. Barely any but there were. Anyway, I've criticized this film as too brainy when it should have been brawnier. (M:I-2 had the opposite problem.)


Mission: Impossible isn't an action TV show...
It's why this is my favourite.


The whole fight on the train exploding helicopter scene wasnt an sction seqeuence? Anyways, I consider this a thriller, 2 a dumb action movie, and 3 the one where they found the right balance of action and thriller. 4 and 5 continued with this balance. 3 remains my favorite. Good action, great villian, and some solid twists thrown in.



1 had story and little action.

2 had little story and lots of action.

3 found the right mix between action and story, and they've continued with this formula since


It was meant to be a suspense thriller but the sequels skewered how the first one was perceived.


Yes, the sequels have a lot more action.


There are 4 big action scenes. The opening MI team deaths (ironically this feels most like the original TV show), 'upset' Hunts escape, CIA break in, and the end supertrain sequence
