poor rating

I don't understand why this film's rating is too low. I tnink it is very very underrated. I guess the answer is Barbra Streisand. Some people don't like even hate her. So they behave in a prejudiced manner. I think the rating would be between 7 and 8 if this film was not Barbra Streisand's.


Why wouldn't anyone like Babs? She can act, she has a great singing voice, and she's not a conservative douchebag. What's not to like?

Still gotta see this movie, though. There's some really great talent here.


A Conservative DOUCHEBAG???? Your side is so lovely, classy and well-spoken, why would anyone not agree with you?


I so agree people underrate her movies on purpose,just because they don't like her,not the actual movies.It's totally unfair.And as we know,the rate of the movie affects the people who are willing to watch it.


I think you hit the nail on the head....it's just a a Barbra thing. Sad but true.


It is sooo messed up! Why do people hate her? She is amazing! If anybody else was in it, they would give it like 5 stars! Critics suck!


I love Brabra Streisand but can't stand this corny movie which I think is her worst.
