Is this the movie......

where she knows something is up when he knows how she likes her salad? I think I saw it a million years ago, but it is like the little endearing qualities like if a person eats croutons or not???



Yep, that's it. It's the way she cuts it all up first and has to have the "perfect bite." That appeals to his mathematical mind because she wants equal parts of her food types within her salad.
Crazy, i know. i liked this movie, actually. I watched it in 97 and again in 98 with a guy, who said he liked it. Then watched it again with my husband and he hated it.



Early on in the movie, at her sister Claire's wedding, she says to her best friend Doris, "I just wish I had someone who knew me? Really knew me? My likes, my dislikes..." so when Gregory tells the waiter, "uh no, she doesn't care for pepper, but I'll have some. And could you bring her a side dish of dressing..." this is when she starts to realize she got what she wished for. Someone who knows her.
