Lauren Bacall.........

I cant believe that lauren bacall was nominated for an oscar!!, She was good but not oscar worthy..


Not only was Lauren Bacall nominated, but she WON the Golden Globe...and was EXPECTED to win the Oscar! Juliette Binoche actually says during her acceptance speech for The English Patient that she thought Lauren Bacall was going to win! I was thinking this performance would be Lauren Bacall's big moment, since it was her lone Oscar nomination...what a disappointment!


She deserved to win a GG after 50 years of acting!!!!


I thought Lauren Bacall was the best part of this movie, she was hilarious! And the scene where she shows babs the photograph - spot on. She made the movie for me. Maybe it wasn't Oscar worthy, but it was damn good.


I think Bacall was total Best supp. actress material. She brought a heart and soul to the part and stole almost every scene she was in. Total rip-off at the Oscars that night.



I agree M-cub, you forget about the other actors when Lauren is in the scene. She has a subtley to her that makes it seem effortless to act, but it is hard to do. She is a class act in my book and few can compare to her today. What a pair she and Bogie made!


Right? Juliett Binoche gave a completely awful performance in a completely overrated film that just swept the oscars that night, and she roade the coattails. People will always remember Lauren Becall. Whatever happened to Juliett Binoche (rhetorical question)?


I'm with the OP. One of the least deserved Oscar nominations in history.

See, Daddy, sinners have soul, too. (The Color Purple)


I agree. I enjoyed her but an Oscar nomination was excessive - I guess it was a career nod that they like to give now and then. Howeve,r her losing was considered an upset at the time and she was clearly upset about it. I think the film really hurt her.


The film really hurt her? In what way? She was brough back from wherever she had been hiding, with a smash!
She was fantastic in this movie and deserved to win the oscar, this is just the kind of role and performance that would be fit to win it, and not Binoche.
She totally stole the movie every time she was in the scene. She acted her ass off, everything was acted, she didn't leave anything out. Physical movements, line delivery, facial expressions, vulnerability, comedy.... I can't think of anyone more perfect for a role!
And she wasn't alone either, this movie was cast perfectly.
