Iran peace deal

The Iran peace talks remind me of negotiating with the Martians in this movie. Say peace, do violence.


Had the same thought during the scene with the French leader Maurice.


you abviously don't know about the horrible things america did to destroy the iranian democracy in the early 1950s, the americans are focking worse than martians.

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification


You're an idiot. When was the last time Iran did anything violent? Get over it.


How about sponsor world-wide terrorism?


That's good old' USA your thinking of buddy. Responsible for more wars and death in the world than any other country put together.

In fact since 1774 The USA has been at war 222 years out of 239. That's about 92% of the time.


"Responsible for more wars and death in the world than any other country put together."

This sentence makes no sense at all...than any other sentence put together.


'How about sponsor world-wide terrorism?'

USA or Iran?

It's that man again!!
