MovieChat Forums > The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996) Discussion > Why did Geena Davis whisper everything?

Why did Geena Davis whisper everything?

I couldn't understand most of what she said even with the sound turned up, and I'm not hard of hearing.


Use subtitles like foreigners do!

I like goats.


You're obviously hard of hearing. I've seen it many times and have never had any trouble hearing what's being said. Are you watching it on a TV? If so get you're *beep* together and get a surround system. If that's not the problem get a hearing aid you're getting old.

One should judge a man mainly from his depravities.Virtues can be faked.Depravities are real.Kinski


Norse-Viking anger issues much? No reaosn to attack and insult the OP.

Only the shell, the perishable passes away. The spirit is without end. Eternal. Deathless.


It's called a sense of humour. Usually when people get on tirades like that on internet forums they're not really angry. The OP made no sense what so ever as there's no problem with the sound on the film so I used the special brand of Norm Mcdonald humour to get that across.

One should judge a man mainly from his depravities.Virtues can be faked.Depravities are real.Kinski


She did whisper and it was the point, not if someone could hear.

When You Know Better, You'll Do Better.
