jared leto

so i have this thing for jared leto..sad i know. but iv been buying all the movies he's been in and some are dissapointing and others are worth it. is this movie worth the jared-ness?

There are many good movies but there are very few GREAT movies


I have this HUGE thing for Jared Leto. I haven't seen this yet, but Requiem For A Dream, and Prefontaine are AMAZING. Movie like Girl Interrupted are obviously awesome but his part is very small.


If you like Jared you should definately see this movie!! It is worth it.


Love Jared as well, will always love Jordan Catalano (sigh). This is one of those movies that you've never heard of but when you see it, you're glad you did. It's like finding a little treasure in the world. I've heard a lot of people say it was terrible, but I thought it was a great little movie. And, if ya love Jared- you get to see bits of him without clothing...but that's not a reason to see the movie. it's really good and he's good in it.


who doesn't have a thing for jared leto??? The boy has incredible acting ability, he sings and plays in a band...30 sec to mars (incredible live btw..got to go to the signing..AH!), and is beautiful. but yea, this movie is one of his best ones. Even in the not so great movies...his acting still shines through. requiem for a dream...kinda a hard movie to watch..but still he was great in it. the end *beep* but yea, watch this, esp. if ya love coming of age films.


must say i saw this movie and was surprised, i like leto's acting career and his music career, I've been part of the echelon for a good few years now and must say i keep seeing his older movies and i will say some are kind of pointless but a lot are amazing he is great at both and cant wait for mr. nobody to be released




It was a stuffed animal not a sock LOL

Peace And All That Jazz

"I live on through dvds and tshirts"


he has an Irish accent in this movie. and he's absolutely bloody gorgeous! you should see it!


I actually thought the guy who played Nelson looked better.


Dublin, Ireland, is a very magical place. I am pretty sure Jared J. Leto, enjoyed his time both on set and touring Eire.

My understanding, he worked very hard and took this role very serious. He wanted to prove that being a American thespian, he could convince the viewer that his acting and accent were believable.

You Ask-I Answer-You Decide


he didi a great job...playing this lost young adult who is just searching for an answer what to do next...LOVED IT :)

and I´m a HUGE Jared fan too...

No, I´m not saying I´m sorry!- 30 Seconds to Mars 'Closer to the Edge'



Leto gives an excellent and engaging performance in this film.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!
