Oh whine whine whine, you know how many British, Scottish, Irish, Australian, German, and Canadian actors there are in Hollywood now (Cathrine O'Hara being one of them) and do you know how many of them I have listened to while they butcher the American accents? TONS! but who cares. as long as the acting is good who cares if Nichole Kidman can't do a southern accent to save her life. It's so Pig headed of people to think that their accents can only be done by people born a raised there and no one else should even try. So with that out look we are all pigeon holed into playing only characters with our accents BORING!!!! I'm not a huge fan of this movie but I get so sick of people getting so worried about bad accents, now if the acting sucked to that would be another issue. The accent hardly matters as long as you tell the story of your character well. you know most accents won't be perfect because you are trying to also be understood by a MASS audience that may not be able to hear you if you speak in a true Irish accent. I took a year of dialect training and it is a fact that you learn a stage version of the language so you can be heard by a larger variety people. So though sometimes an accent may make you cringe set it aside and look at the whole picture