happy gilmore

surprised not to find a topic here outlining some of the similarities
-both came out the same year
-both involved a star athlete losing their right hand
-both handless athletes attempt to ride unwilling prodigies to success
-both prodigies have god given power but lack accuracy
-both prodigies eventually accept to save their families financially
-both films have gags with having sex with a physically unattractive female
-both prodigies get injured late in the film
-both films involve gags with losing the prosthetic hands
-the prodegies end up getting their money via advertising instead of the sport (subway/rubber man)
-both villains set up schemes to 'get' their rival; Mccracken abandoning roy, and Mcgavins '9th green' trick
-gambling on themselves is the end of Munsons character's competiting in the sport (for 17 years at least) and the beginning of Gilmores.


Happy Gilmore had some moments, but they were few. Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed it, but it pales in comparison to Kingpin.

And Kingpin was a spoof of The Natural, The Hustler/The Color Of Money (Fast Eddie Felson), and Witness-in-reverse, all rolled into one. Happy Gilmore was a product of Sandler's imagination; he was inspired by an old childhood friend who was a hockey player, and he and the friend often played golf together as adults prior to making the movie.
