Best scene ?.

I really loved the scene where the guy who was playing on the tables approaches Woody and Randy and requests them to sleep together for a few bucks. That was so funny. It was so naturally hillarious. It gives me a painful stomach every time I watch it. Randy's responce was so unexpected. He took it so lightly.


i love that its the first thing that Roy imagines on how to get the money. why in the world would anyone imagine that? hahahahahahah


Its better to imagine it before considering it.
All they would have had to do was lock themselves in a room together for some time and act like they *beep* each other. The guy would assume they spent the night together.


Tough call but I think mine is when Roy runs into Big Ern at the buffet line. Murray absolutely owned that scene, between Big Ern's interview with the female reporter, what he said to Claudia when he first saw her, his exchange with Roy, and the way he ran away after Ish swung at him.
I'm afraid I just blue myself.-Tobias Funke


The television commercial with Murray.


This is my favorite too! It has my favorite line.

"These kids nearly got Munsoned."


Chris Elliotts character offers Roy money so that he can sleep with Ish not so Roy and Ish will have sex. Thats why Roy is celebrating, while Ish is in pain. Its making fun of Indecent Proposal where Robert Redford offers Woody money to sleep with his wife Demi Moore. As for the best scene it's the scene with the landlord smoking in bed and Roy is puking in the toilet


It didn't seem obvious at first. I thought he wanted Roy and Ish to make it out together haha.
As for puking in the toilet is concerned, why do people do it ?. Is it not more wise to use the wash basin ?.


It's easier to get rid of by using the toilet, believe me.


The scene when they're hustling the old ladies. They lose and break out their change purses and don't have enough. The next scene is one of the ladies motorized carts strapped to the back of their car! Lowest of the low! :P


I really love the scene where the dude has his rug taken by the china man and the blonde thug,

I'm going to eat your brains and gain your knowledge.


Should be Claudia distracting the opposition, but Bill Murray wasn't in that part of the film. I'll go with any of the Bill Murray bits.



'You have a monkey ?'


Roy and the Landlady's 'pillow talk scene' (yeah, the one where he pukes). This probably got more laughs out of me (the WHOLE scene right up to 'tongue exercises') than any scene in film history.


It was a takeoff on Indecent Proposal, which also starred Mr. Harrelson. I liked it when Roy's landlady comes in while Roy is paying off the purse snatcher and he tries to get out of it by throwing his hot coffee at him and he jumps out the window in pain.


I like the parking lot slug-out between Claudia & Roy. She whups his butt and he winds up on the ground biting her. LOL!

Hilarious...I laugh so hard I almost get a headache everytime I watch it.

"Stick with me baby, and you'll be fartin' thru silk!"



I loved Claudia's trick boobs. Classic Farrelly brothers gimmick: Magda's sun-pruned boobs in There's Something About Mary, Lila's (Malin Akerman's) trick beef curtain's in The Heartbreak Kid, among a few.


Horseshoe scene.


Bill Murray's wig !!!
