MovieChat Forums > The Juror (1996) Discussion > Great until the last twenty minutes

Great until the last twenty minutes

I cannot quite pinpoint it but the ending of this movie killed it for me. If it were not for the seen-from-a-million-miles-away ending and the sacrifice of such an interesting villain to the altar of generic movie killings this would be a classic.

I can see a movie as seperate parts and this is one film that cries out for this ability. Alec Baldwin pulls off on of the most complling and enigmatic villanous performances in cinema history here--I just wish the people who wrote him as such an excellent character would have saved some of that creativity for the ending.

Am I the only one?


Agreed. It really is a fine movie... Demi demonstrates great acting chops. It's the first time I'd ever seen or heard of Joseph Gordon Levitt (and I stood up and took notice: this guy has a future!), and Alec is a wonderful villain. If I can ignore the last 20 minutes (and I have to ignore them), it's a great movie!



But it's kinda cool how Alec blows up Louie and then kills his men :)


Op is crazy. This movie is good all the way through. Fine performances by all.


The end is a little weak- this bad ass gets taken out by an angry MILF- I guess it's okay but he was too reckless in the end considering how calculating he'd been all the way through.


Yeah, the movie wasn't that great as for me but this scene was indeed badass.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


If it were not for the seen-from-a-million-miles-away ending and the sacrifice of such an interesting villain to the altar of generic movie killings this would be a classic.

I kind of see your point, since this has been done before, but what kind of ending would you envision? I certainly wouldn't want him to be the winner here.

