Question about Tidwell's touchdown...
I watch football but I don't get this aspect of the film and wonder if someone can enlighten me. I don't quite understand the ending with Tidwell. He scores a touchdown, gets knocked out for a minute then suddenly he is a hot commodity and gets a contract for $11+ million...?
Is this like in grade school when Sarah was just a regular not-very-popular girl, then faints during P.E. and suddenly everyone gives her all kinds of weird attention for no reason other than she passed out? Something like that happens in the movie Clueless, too.
Why would Tidwell passing out for one minute cause him to get a giant contract and suddenly be "the s h ! t," so to speak? Was the fact that he held onto the ball supposed to be the indicator to us that he is now doing what Jerry told him he needed to do by "playing with heart"? It just seemed like a weird event to trigger fame and success. Has anything like this happened in real life before? Am I missing something?
"Your petty vengeance fetish will have to do withOUT Mr. Groin!"