MovieChat Forums > Independence Day (1996) Discussion > Which is the more appropriate 4th of Jul...

Which is the more appropriate 4th of July movie, this or Jaws?

Which is the better 4th of July movie, this or Jaws?

I usually watch both on July 4. I'm not asking which is the better movie (I'd say Jaws every time) but which is more fitting for the date?

On the one hand Jaws does take place during the 4th of July festivities. On the other, this movie is named specifically for the holiday and, of course, "today will be our Independence Day!"

Please discuss.

EDIT I've edited the title to this post from "Which is the better movie" to "Which is the more appropriate movie." I'm not asking which is the better movie in a direct comparison, but if you could only watch one, which is more appropriate to the holiday?


"Jaws" is the better movie by any standard!

But "Independence Day" is a fun flick, so put it on later.


I see both of these as valid. To me Jaws is the better movie. But ID4 is specifically about Independence Day, which makes it appropriate for the occasion, despite the standards of the two.


This cause it takes place on the 4th of July and is about Americans and others fighting for their right to live. Much more patriotic than a movie about a bunch of guys trying to kill a shark in the ocean. I don't hate Jaws though. Just don't watch it around the 4th of Jily. I happen to watch this and Johnny Tremain around the 4th of July.


Of course Jaws is a 4th of July movie as much as Die Hard is to Christmas and Cowboy Bebop is to Halloween


Hmmm . . . using the word "appropriate" is vague. I mean, appropriate in what sense?

Aw hell, doesn't matter. Jaws by a mile.


The Patriot.


I was going to say, Jaws is a strange choice for this battle.

It seems obvious to me that it should be Independence Day vs The Patriot.


The Patriot. Independence Day is a bad hokey cheese fest of 90s cringe.


You're NGMI.


welcumta Earf


I hate the word "cheese", i disagree, i think Independence Day is a classic


I think Jaws is a far better movie. But I can see why someone would find Independence Day more fitting for the July 4th holiday, as flawed and silly as it is. I don't watch either myself.


Jaws for me, but both movies do have the 4th in it so they are appropriate.


Please explain to me how “ID4” means “[US] Independence Day”? The soubrette is total garbage, coined 25 years ago by someone high on drugs and her/his ego. I recall the second Godzilla movie was called G2. And then good sense reared its head and even Hollywood realized this approach to naming a film was fucking stupid. In my mind, this movie is beneath contempt. It is American only in that it demonstrates the truth of HL Mencken’s observation that “Nobody ever went broke by underestimating the taste of the American public.”


Independence Day is July 4.


Both are 4th of july movies


Yes, which is why I specifically said that I watch both. But which one is more appropriate for the holiday?


Heavy sigh. How is ID4 an abbreviation for American Independence Day? This is a rhetorical question pointing out how moronic this POS’s tag line is, which is why lemmings like you flock to it.

Eschew stupidity.
