Really CMT?!

I’m watching this on CMT, and they cut the whole hospital scene with the First Lady, as well as the entire scene where David plots against the aliens, and the secretary of defense getting fired. Those are major plot points. Why on earth cut them?


This is why I only ever watch movies on DVD/Bluray/ Streaming. Otherwise this happens. Plus it takes like 5 hours to watch the movie with ads.


Watching a movie on standard cable channels is robbing yourself of the experience. Why they made those cuts is anyone's guess.


I never met a real live dinosaur before. Wow! Hard to believe there are still people who actually watch heavily cut, bowdlerized, and speeded-up versions of movies on television, with the added bonus of commercials every five minutes!


I'm also a dinosaur, but if I really intends to watch a movie, I'll stream it if I don't have a hard copy. But often I'll catch a movie like this one that I've already seen two dozen times on regular TV, but I have at least four other programs in the recall area of my cable box so I can switch over to something else when the 6 minute commercial break hits.


My biggest concern would be "Why is this movie airing on COUNTRY MUSIC TELEVISION?"
