MovieChat Forums > House Arrest (1996) Discussion > As cheesy as this movie is

As cheesy as this movie is

I love it. I remember watching it for the first time when I was younger and loving it. I randomly remembered it not long ago and decided to rent it out. To my luck when I went to return the dvd, the video store was having a huge vhs clearence...AND THERE WAS 'HOUSE ARREST' SITTING THERE ON THE PILE :D I was so happy, so yes, I got it and I'm about to watch it now.
I love Mooky Arizona in it, and also remember him from Camp Nowhere, holy crap that was a cool movie too (I'm a little obsessed with '90s movies) and yeah hes a goofy guy, but really cute. I can't stand Grover, just his hair and his f__cking facials and mental breakdowns through out the movie - they are TOO cheesy for the already cheesy movie. ANYWAY, does anyone know who sings the sesame street cover? Its when TJ starts dancing round the house with his snake or whatever. I will look it up eventually when I'm really bored.


Mooky is awsome! its a shame he's not acting anymore
