Who was your favorite character?
I personally liked Chance, Shadow, and Delihla.
I loved all of them but Riley was my favourite, partly cos he's got my favourite name and partly cos he was a gorgeous dog...I still love Shadow best of the original three though.
Love is only a feeling
Sassy, who gets more funnier moments here than in the first movie.
Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.
I like them all for different reasons
Shadow was my personal fave he was brave mature and very helpful and full of Wisdom just like in the first one.
Chance and sassy were hilarious delilah was nice to chance for giving him a chance hence the name she didn't have to come all that way, but she did it because she loved him and didn't want to hurt him.
well i loved them all really
shadow is probably number 1 just because he's so nice and caring and he saved that boy aww!
chance and sassy are hilarious
i also like riley cuz he's street yo! lol and i love those junkyard dogs :P