This gets me every time

This scene really breaks my heart. The parents got their son a puppy for Christmas, and every time they'd hold the puppy out towards the kid, he'd just shake his head. So his parents put the puppy in a box and dumped him on the street, with his Christmas bow still tied around his neck. The poor dog was out in the rain, and everything. I can't believe anyone would be that heartless. It makes me cry just thinking about it. Does anyone else feel this way?


Yes! Omg i hated that family!

Lady Shadowhardt


When I was little my mother told me what the family did to Riley was illegal, and every time after when I watched it I thought 'ooohhh, if somebody saw them they'd be arrested', which would probably be what they deserved. Why get a puppy if your kid won't like it? Here's a thought, you wait until you know that your kid wants one, THEN you get it.


I know it's just a movie, but still, it makes me so sad. The rest of the movie was funny. I love some of the animals lines! LOL.


That is the part of the movie I would always fast forward through. It was heartbreaking because it happens every day. People are a$$holes =)


they are such assbags! Why didn't they just give him back to the people they got him from, or better yet, GIVE HIM A NEW HOME!!! GEEZ! I hated that family, AND that kid!!

Get me a juice box, BEYOTCH! - Zathura


Here's a thought, you wait until you know that your kid wants one, THEN you get it.

My father flat out asked my mother and I if we wanted a puppy before he even started looking.

I agree - The kid must be spoiled, or thinks an animal isn't necessarily a present. I'm sure he was more interested in unwrapping gifts.

I place the blame mostly on the parents. One of them obviously drove and dropped the poor dog off by some street curb in a box with pouring rain outside. I mean, WTH? Put an ad out in the paper, say there's no charge, and surely somebody would come along and take Riley into their loving arms.

As sad as that scene is, they needed some sort of a backstory on why the animals despised humans, so it's understandable.



I forogt all about that! I've not watched this for about 8/9 years, aw it used to make me cry!

I really loved this film so much- I think it's probably the one that defined my childhood!


Made me cry seriously!


I despised that part as well.I LUV Riley. I feel bad that because of his past he doesn't trust humans. I hated that family and the kid too!


To quote Dannygarcey, how can someone "deserve" to have a past? With all respect, that statement just does not make any sense; it's the other way around. It is the past that screwed him up like that, which was the reason he acted towards the others and bullying them.




what a spoiled kid who wouldent like apuupy for a present


I thought that too! Now, we've got dogs and we know they're a big responsibility and need looking after ... but when we were that kid's age, we would have been happy if the only thing we got for Christmas was a puppy. Fair enough if they showed the boy losing interest when Riley crapped on the floor, but, seriously!


Kirk & Miguel's Girl


There was no black lab in the movie...Bando's a Bluetick coonhound.

California Mountain Snake


the kid's just awful. and the, i cant believe they just left riley out in the rain. they shouldve just threw the kid out. *just kidding.*

and didnt riley cost alot? then theyll just throw him. its just like throwing money.




"Yeah, it is really sad about Riley's past, but I do not care for Riley. He is a spoiled, childish jerk, and in the film, he was very hurtful to chance, so he deserved to have that past."

I'd probably be that way too if I were dumped out in the rain and left for dead. You don't come out of that with a smile on your face, singing, "Walking on Sunshine."


Wait a minute... wasn't Chance a (former) stray himself?????? And yet Chance turns out with a different personality than Riley. Riley and Shadow are old friends????? How????? And why do some of the other dogs call Chance a Pet, if he wasn't born a pet?????

I do not remember if Chance was ever abandoned...I don't think he was...but it is always possible that Chance could have turned out as mean as Riley.

And if people (and animals in this movie) have bad pasts...they choose to act the way that they do. Not everybody that has a bad past acts like that. Just because somebody has a bad past, doesn't give them the right to bully Chance...and also act like a jerk and say things like

"*They're* from the *lab* and *that* sounds bad."
"*Cars* Mean the man and *we* don't like the man."
...making everybody's decisions for them.

I have a bad past...and I don't treat others badly. and also some people that have bad pasts take the opportunity to make things better whenever it happens...
Of course some people don't want to.

And wasn't this story of Riley's past told through Delilah????? And I am pretty sure that Delilah wasn't there herself... she did not know Riley when he was a

Riley could have lied about his past...or he could have exaggerated.

And to answer the question about how could a boy and a family be so cruel to a puppy?????? (if it even happened) There are families just like the one that Delilah described to Chance. The kid is a spoiled brat that thinks they like their pets, never play with them, never care for them, and the pets either die or get abandoned. The boy could have rejected Riley (and who knows how many other puppies) for being the wrong color, for example. And as for the parents...they go along with it...and continue to spoil the child(ren) and do things for them like keep buying them more pets. And as a result, the pets are treated like toys instead of living things.

If this really happened to Riley, it is terrible for that to happen. I'd be very angry at the family for cruel treatment to Riley, but I simply couldn't feel sorry for Riley after Riley acting like a jerk, etc.


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I know! I hate that part too. It breaks my heart to know there are heartless creeps like that out there. I remember when I first saw this movie, when I was younger, I wrote out a whole list of places they could have taken poor innocent Riley!.


Yes I remember that scene very well, and I felt more angry than sad really, I trully felt like smacking that kid in the face... as for the parents, well, I'd rather not comment...



People like that should not be able to own dogs & if they HAVE to get of a pet they should take it to the humane Society
There should be a deleted scene on the DVD where Riley & his gang find the family & get revenge


Remember that the story is related through Delila and told originally to her by Riley and both are unreliable narrators. It's clear from both films that the dogs can't understand humans so Riley couldn't know all of what was going on. When we see him out there, he still has his bow on. This says to me that it's possible they were giving him as a gift to someone else but maybe Riley got out and ran away from the box before whoever came to get him arrived just like the animals in the first movie ran after the family while not knowing they'd visit them in 2 weeks. If that's the case, then it's simply a tragic accident. I know there are people who do indeed do this, but it seems that if the parents thought enough of their kid to get him a puppy, they would think enough of the puppy to give him a good home somewhere. When I first watched this, I was about 9 or 10 and for some reason, I thought that the fat guy that was trying to kidnap the dogs was that kid grown older.

reply'd leave a 'gift pup' in a cardboard box on the side of the road on a cold rainy night and hope your recipient came to pick him up? =/ Doesn't sound to me like they thought very much of him at all even if that was the case...

I hear you, though, and those are still some interesting thoughts.



Well, I can't blame the kid too much. After all, not everyone is a dog lover. The parents, on the other hand, were terribly heartless!

You see, in the beginning, all was well. There was harmony. There was balance.

~ Alex P Keaton


The whole faimly are idoits for not excepting the puppy. The just leave it out in the rain in a box? Stupid Humans! You dog people out there, take care of your pets or find them LOVING people who care for them!

Anyway back to the movie those owners were jerks...That's animal abuse...Disney is always flantting how great they are with cute fuzzie animal movies well look at their stuipity here.

People love your pets. Their people too, just with diffrent skin...






