MovieChat Forums > Hellraiser: Bloodline (1996) Discussion > Question about ending (spoilers)

Question about ending (spoilers)

Judging by the end of the film, it seems Pinhead is finally destroyed. Do you, the Hellraiser fans, truly think that is the way Pinhead is finally destroyed? I know the movie takes place in 2127, but is that the year that we see Pinhead's TRUE death? Basically, what I'm asking is...we won't see any Hellraiser movies taking place past the events in this film will we?


Pinhead believes he's forever. I dont think he's gone but may have lost one of his few connections to earth.


I'd have to agree. Remember, Pinhead was apparently destroyed at the end of the 2nd movie, only to be 'discovered' in a diminished, seemingly powerless form at the beginning of the 3rd one. The implication is that Pinhead is as much an idea or a concept as an entity, an archetype with a neccessary place in the scheme of things. No matter how hard you try to destroy or banish him, reality will always bring him back. It's like trying to banish the idea of pain or having light without shadow.


I don't think Pinhead is ever destroyed, just more or less contained. The engineer of the space station said something about it being a trap.


I am not really sure if Pinhead (what a HORRIBLE name for makes him sound like some kind of dork rather than a priest of Leviathan) can be destroyed or not. Since the cenobites appear to those with sick and twisted desires ("It is not hands that summon us, it is desire"), I would think that the only way that they would be destroyed is if that desire was stricken from the earth. Maybe certain cenobites could be destroyed? How is it that (grrrr.....I have to say that NAME again.....what else can we call him, folks??????) Pinhead becomes some kind of leader figure? I would think that all of the cenobites would probably be equal in "rank" so to speak? It IS a rich mythology......much can be done with it.

