Dog-mosnters? Come on!

Come on why does every horror movie has to have dog-monsters in it. they are ugly, unpleasant, NOT scary and nothing but annoying runners who, most cases, cant even outrun a girl.
Get some real monsters up and running instead of wasting time in stupid dogs.

Well, thats my opinion, whats yours?



They are supposed to be ugly and unpleasant in horror way, not the way you see "demon" and think: "omg another stupid dog".
About caching up, see the Jason series, he is SLOW but he "can teleport" behind people to slay them, and here dogs cant even outrun a person who fails at almost every step.
A non-monster dog would be more scary than this one.



Its the same excuse as woudl be pinhead coming towards somone and saying:
i came to kill you but i wont so movie be longer.
Its stupid, and makes many people consider it a plothole. ok maybe pinhead exampl was bad, but its like in movie Imposter, and engine gets jammed (which havent for tens of years) and then some cop starts chasing him to make movie little longer.



Yeah, because there are just SO many horror movies with dog monsters, it's beginning to be a problem.


That dog monster was one of the reason's I like this movie, I love the wa it slams into the wall as it's turning the corner chasing someone

....Back of the net



I thought the dog-monster would be hokey, as they usually look that way in films.
But this one was scary I thought.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."
