MovieChat Forums > Hellraiser: Bloodline (1996) Discussion > Noticed Something about Pinhead's face

Noticed Something about Pinhead's face

You know in the scene where Pinhead and Angelique were talking before those guards came. When he first appeared and walked up face to face to her on his close up, pause the movie and his face surprisingly looked....lovely.
I know. I'm wierd but seriously, I looked at his face closely and it was just wow and whoa. (In case some of you are wondering, I'm a teenage girl.)And his eyes certainly did the trick. They looked 'calmer' and semi-sweeter than usual. I don't know why that his face intrigued me in that scene, but it looked beautiful. And this is not the only time I've or anyone else have seen Pinhead's face in a more good way.

Sorry that I couldn't make the link clickable but here's the scene:
Pause at 00:22.


I didn't notice that.I will have to pause the movie and check that out myself.I have never seen pinhead with a "sweet" face before so this should be interesting.


The link you gave has a problem with it.I couldn't get into it because it said there was an error with it.


Sorry about that, Seller. I apoligize. I don't know how to paste the link and sometimes links don't always work. Even though this takes some time to get to it, go to YouTube, and type in "A conversation between Angelique and Pinhead". It's that scene right there. Just watch starting at 00:18 and so on. You know that he was angry at the start of the clip because he was mentioning to her on how she had been away from Hell for so long and associated with humans. Next, thing you know, his face changed when he stands directly in front of her on close up. I noticed how his eyes seems so...calmer and soft. So does his face. The jawlines and facial expression looked more relaxed. It's like he's unusually calm and...sweet. This was also one of the things that people kept asking does Pinhead have feelings. I really think he does.
It's the same scene where we see those little hooks attached to his finger tips. He showed them off a lot, too.


I noticed that too, at that time i thoguht he loves her.


Coochie, coochie, coo lol. Sorry.

Mr White: "You shoot me in a dream, you better wake up and apologise!"


Doug Bradley is an amazing acting talent, and undoubtedly brought his real-life regal bearing to the role. He says much with very few gestures. I suspect what you recognised and were attracted to was his very gifted acting talent!

Live Long and Prosper!


As Pinhead said himself we are Angels to some Demons to others
