MovieChat Forums > Hellraiser: Bloodline (1996) Discussion > the actual history of the box

the actual history of the box

Ive watched the hellraiser movies all completely out of order, i saw 1 then 3 then 6 then 5 then 2 and just recently 4. I used to think that the box was just something created by clive barker for the purpose of this movie, but when i saw infrerno, i heard the guy mention a name for the box, and a name for the creator of it. Of coruse i did some interneting right away and landed on a site that had the history of the lament configuration and philip lemarchand. first off, aparently the dude had created over 200 of these boxes. The boxes are supposedly made partly from human parts, oil that was taken from human fat. It's said 16 people died in order for the first box to be made. Aparently lemarchand is known as a mass murderer. I was pretty bummed when the movie tried to make him seem like a good guy, or just a toy maker....bogus. Second, it's been documented that he lived to be 96 years old, it's said that his body was never found, when his place was searched, there was only one of his boxes lying in a puddle of blood. He was living somewhere in america.

Although I was bummed about the conflicting histories and what not, i still liked it, most of it anyways....I like the latter hellraisers because pinhead isn't contested, I like it when the badguy wins.....BTW, what's up with that stupid girl not dying at the end, that part bummed me out the most.


Too bad you didn't cite your sources. I did find this site I found nicely made with some interesting information:

My site:
My cat's site:


See, like in the site above, and many other sources (books, comics, etc.), LeMarchand is made out to be someone evil. Does anyone have any idea as to why his character was made out to be 'good' in Bloodline? Also, does anyone know which story was created first, making it the 'true' story? I would say that LeMarchand being evil would be correct, as it is in many different sources, and the 'good' LeMarchand is only portrayed in Bloodline.

Any input anyone?


To be honest I dont believe any of the stories.

The articles concerning The Illuminati and Leviathan and Adan Weishaupt are taken right out of Robert Anton Willson's book The Illuminatus Trilogy.

There really is no proof either way when it comes to these sort of conspiracy theories of good and evil. To me it's how well the story is told, not whether it really happened or not.

My site:
My cat's site:



Philip LeMarchand was a real toymaker.

Source: Fictional biography:

According to the story, the box was commissioned by Duc de l'Isle in 1784 and constructed by toymaker Philip Lemarchand (actually a real character who also constructed such boxes). A "short rondo of sublime banality" is played after each piece is removed. When the box is solved, it opens a "schism" (pathway) to Hell, through which Cenobites (demons) travel.

Apart from the Lament Configuration, other boxes that appear in Clive Barker's work include the Elegy Configuration, the Ornate Box, Orno's Puzzle Box, and the Dreamweave Cube. May be goin to hell in a bucket baby but at least Im enjoyin the ride



There was a real Philip LeMarchand but a fictional bio was created for the Hellraiser seriss. At least this is what I've deduced from everything I have uncovered on the subject. May be goin to hell in a bucket baby but at least Im enjoyin the ride


In a deleted scene, the magician who raises Angelique envies LeMarchand because science and technology is replacing ancient wisdom. The magician needed the puzzle box in order to raise Angelique but he insists that it will be the basic pentagram that will eventually send her back. However, at this point Angelique kills the magician because she insists hell has need of the toymaker and so killing him would be "standing in hell's way". (Unlike in the final cut where the magician's death seems to be attributable purely to betrayal by his apprentice.)




LeMarchande was an innocent duped into constructing a gateway to hell. He assumed responsibility and vowed to destroy it, even if it took generations. Lesser skilled craftsmen followed the original design with minor variations evidenced by Pinheads remark in the book. Pinhead summoned by Frank says 'LeMarchandes configuration' implying to me an appreciation for the very first of the boxes. Tho not completely blameless the family and Philippe in particular were probably villified as the people who made that perverse and infamous puzzle box. Duke deLisle in the movie was probably seen as the first known victim of LeMarchandes insane and bloodthirsty ways, perhaps started by the doctor and scientist whom Phillippe confided in as Philippe was a man of morals who took what he saw as at least part of the blame for the opening of a gate to hell. Others possibly took the doctors words to mean that Phillippe was the one responsible for the tragedies to come from his toy. All the descendants of the family have remarkable creative abilities when it comes to technology related creations, from toymakers to architects and a revolutionary power generating space station of the future. But all suffer nightmares and nameless anxieties that drive them mad or at the least have many questioning their sanity. Some probably just were never heard from again.



LeMarhcnad is a completely fictional character. All of the websites that you reference got thewir information from the old Epic )Marvel) Comics Hellraiser Comic book.


No LeMarchand.

No box.


Just a well written well designed website that looks authentic.



That's exactly what they want you to think ;)


Try going to WikiPedia, where it is explained in detail that the box was a FICTIONAL creation of Clive Barker. GEEZ.


...and it also says that LeMarchand is a fictional character.


Ahhhh, the wonderously natural and wild life of a fictional story and characters that sound just almost too alive and plausible to be made up. This is how myths start.

Why do people want to believe that a box could have been made, or that there was a 19th Century toy maker with the ability to create even a clock work puzzle box? Becuase it's a lot more interesting and far easier to believe in things like this. It's happened so long ago it's no longer within living history.

Truely a sign of excellent writing.



Well, i for one feel the premise is not that fantastical as I know alternate dimensions can be located and gatewaya formed many ways, through intention and mis intention, whether with geometrically configured spaces, and use of crystals, candles, meditation, etc... and other means, so why not a box? Especially a puzzle box which follows certain precise steps.



Here is an article you might find interesting. It describes a magic potion of some kind that is fully capable of translating your awareness to a different plane of existence.





Yes. It was a 'joke'. It was directed at your post. If that cost you something then it was 'at your expense'. I enjoyed your comma splice, like it was the best I've seen in a while or something. I assume your last question was rhetorical so I won't tell you why I don't 'boil up some mandrake.'

I was checking out my horoscope in the common room today and everything was looking good until nurse took away my crystals and before I could claw her eyes out they shot me up with like Haldol or Lithium or something. As I hit the floor I mustered enough guts to holler "like I don't know about drugs or something?"

Cheers Haton.

I'll do, I'll do, and I'll do


Who needs magic mushrooms when you can get off contemplating the many wacky meanings behind the following 'sentence':

Anyway, the point is that there is an order in which a galaxy is created, so there is a timeline in terms of what stars beget what stars, and that is no different from human lineages, and evolution and so forth.
I dig the semi-literate and so forth.

I'll do, I'll do, and I'll do


The 'Mitchell Hedges' Crystal Skull has optical properties too, it is fashioned in such a way that sunlight is focused through it to be able to ignite dry material. That one still cannot be duplicated today - not with any 'officially availible' technology!
Whereas it is true that this technology cannot be duplicated today (without violating national security), I am not sure that this fact provides much comfort to the poor ants.

I'll do, I'll do, and I'll do



I have a Masters, I'm sorry you're such a brick.
