Cult Classic

This movie is so strange and stylish I've been known for calling it a "Cult Classic." The cinematography is great. The story is bizzare. The characters are brilliant. The best by far, well besides harriet, is the poor "veggie theif" loser. There's the extremely lonely guy with ten-thousand cats. The rich black woman whose fortune came from the death of her former husband. The steriotypical asian family, but very true! This movie embrassed so much, and, it did it in a mellow way. It wasn't pushed into your face (Sport being poor). Okay, I'll stop rambling, but if you get the chance, see it. It's a classic in my book.





i love this film! i even got the spy pack and i still have the notebook that came with it.


"Actually, it takes a lot more than a quirky storyline to make a film a cult classic."

In my opinion, a cult movie is one which achieves a large 'cult' following despite poor box-office takings and they are usually not very well-known...


me and my friends love this movie. the story is so good, every character is good, and it should get the attention it diserves.


Cult classic or not, it's still a good movie with many themes I didn't understand until I was older. It's actually hard to watch now, given that I went through bullying and isolation. And most of the teasing really does remind me of specific memories I hid away. I think it's a movie anyone should watch though, and look for deeper meaning - it was made for a reason, and not just to prove that talking crap about people is good. I admit, I have friends who I think negative things about but I don't go splaying it out for them to see. I think everyone comes to an age where they see the good/bad in people. This movie is great for showing that.
