MovieChat Forums > From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) Discussion > Richie, would you do me a favor and ...

Richie, would you do me a favor and ...

When Juliette Lewis' character asked in Richie's daydream "Richie, would you do me a favor and eat my pussy for me ... please?" that was the best line in the movie. It was probably one of the best lines ever in a movie. I nearly fell out of my chair in the theater when I first saw it. I am not sure why I found this so funny. It was a little shocking. And I do daydream a lot.


I don't remember her saying that. The way I recall it is that Richie says (in his delusional mind) "Can I eat your pussy?" She says kind of tentatively, "Yeah. I guess so." And then it becomes clear that Richie imagined the conversation.


Your memory deceives you.


@Chops-4 Let's just say that I wouldn't describe you as a reliable witness.


I had assumed it was a daydream. But it was more likely a delusion.


I like that later on he asks her "So...did you mean what you said back there? Cuz I'll do it!" And she's all "WTF????"

Ironically, he'd grown so fat only work-out pants would fit him.


I really think it was the shock that cracked me up. Another one of my favorite movie quotes is also shocking. It blew my mind when Chloe in "Fight Club" said "I am in a pretty lonely place. No one will have sex with me. I'm so close to the end and all I want is to get laid for the last time. I have pornographic movies in my apartment and lubricants and amyl nitrite."


No, the best line, at least in terms of shock value in Fight Club, is when she says: "I haven't been fvćkèd like that since grade school."

I look at my red hands and my mean face, and I wonder about that man that's gone so wrong.


Best line is funkhousers joke in curb your enthusiasm


No way, the best line has to be, "Self improvement is masturbation."


Best scene in FDTD is the opening scene with Earl McGraw in the liquor store, telling the story about the kid at the diner that "doesn't know rat *beep* from Rice Krispies"


I think Tarantino has issues in general. Of course Salma Hayak's character goes right to the ugliest guy in the bar. Yeah, uh huh. I just saw the film for the first time and I'd read about his freaky foot fetish and Lo & behold there he is, sucking Salma's toes. Gross!

I also just saw the Hateful 8 and almost turned it off because of his freakish need to use the N word throughout his last few films. I abhor the word but I put up with it. What's the point anyway??? I swear he's like a little kid "getting away" with something. I think his 15 minutes has long gone by.


I saw it as she went to the most EVIL guy in the bar. She was touted as the queen of evil and she zeroed in on the murder / rapist. That makes perfect sense to me.
