
I agree this a quasi-`Biblical` story – Salvation, & a bit like Noah`s Ark ;
One request, a question came automatically to mind [& I don`t see in other postings]:
Are plans available, for the hang-glider we see there? (And I mean the non-motorized model, the one which Jeff. D. able to carry around. Motor-powered: for one thing, this can get into pilot`s-license issues.)
This thing – even if from private party & payment for blueprints – an amazing project to work on.
``God`s my co-pilot – helps me fly right``; over&out.


The era of constructing a hang glider from plans has long passed. The sophisticated sewing of a sail is prohibitive in itself. Whatever your location, there will be a national or regional hang gliding body or association which generally will have a website with links to used equipment available. The USHGA in the US or HPAC in Canada offer this. In many instances a used glider can be obtained for under a thousand dollars, although detailed inspection by qualified personnel would be recommended, with a parachute equipped harness about the same. I have been flying for 25+ years(2000 hrs), and the glider I presently fly was purchased for $500. It is certainly not "state of the art", but with periodic replacement of critical parts (side wires at $200 per set)is completely airworthy. Many aircraft can be built from plans and are primarily complex woodworking projects similar to canoe or kayak construction, but a flex wing (Rogallo) glider is not one of them. A kit plane would provide you with that amazing project you speak of, but count on hundreds of hours for construction. I hope you get in the air one way or another, hang gliding has provided me with many hours of circling in thermals with hawks and eagles in VERY close proximity. Cheers


thank-you!-- your message invaluable, showing current state-of-affairs in this area. (when posted message -- also reached Operation_Migration -- they said they were involved with the movie, but deal with ultralights comp. to hanggliders; also -- a History of hanggliders Website -- inc. found model similar or identical to one in question. anyway:) Details of hanggliding new to me -- didn't know the craft is more-or-less obsolete (sure enough -- the 1st Site in Websearch = http://www.usairnet.com/HangGliding/HangGliders/Used.html, i.e Used Models;) -- To think of it, good news, c$500 not bad;
in such things, looks like a trade-off -- hours of work comp. to expense in purchasing ready-made item; my interest remains with hanggliders comp. to ultralight planes [latter must be noisy, for 1 thing!];
will continue research, & from what imagine, & your description, hanggliding must be incredible -- hopefully can experience it -- one way or another -- one of these days...!
