MovieChat Forums > The First Wives Club (1996) Discussion > So I was watching this on Oxygen the oth...

So I was watching this on Oxygen the other day and...

First of all I must say that the editing was horrible. I also noticed something odd. In the scene where Annie meets Aaron for dinner there is a completely different song (with vocals) playing in the background (the song that they dance to) than in the theatrical version. Has anyone else noticed this? What gives?



A lot of movies don"t want to pay for additional use of music in TV showings or DVD sales so they substitute other music


I came on here to ask about that to cos I remember there being come kind of light jazz music playing while they are dancing. I love the song they replaced it with (In the Game of Love - by Brownstone), but I think the original music to that scene suited that moment better.


Yep. Even NAMES can be changed on TV. For instance, in the movie "The Crush" from the 90s, the character of "Darien" is substituted with "Adrian" in the TV version, or vice versa, but either way, they are 2 different names for the same character.

I hate everyone, Dont care who knows it, or what they think of me.


Sorry for the very late reply. I read this about the time it was posted, but I couldn't figure out how to post. (I had made an account but I had to verify something).

Anyway, I thought it might interest you to know... the game of love was ACTUALLY the original song. When I was 10, and this movie was out, my mom worked at a movie theater, and I loved this movie!! (Still do). I was obsessed with you don't own me and bought the soundtrack, and "The Game Of Love" was on it. It really was in that scene.

When it came out on VHS, I was very confused when it got to that scene and there was that Jazz song, and always saw it that way ever since until it was played like that on Oxygen a few years ago.

In hindsight, I do think the Jazz song fits the scene better, but I'm just saying the game of love really was the original song in that scene in theaters.


Better late than never! :) Thank you for sharing!
