Back in the 90s i was just a teenager and i brought the video cassette of The First Wives Club for my mum, i thought i wouldn't like it, but decided to watch it and was surprised at how hilarious it was, iv'e watched this flick hundreds of times over the past couple of decades and it's still funny to this day. This is a comedy that is actually humorous, the majority of comedies are too sexual and they try to pass it off as comedy. The First Wives club actually has a storyline and it actually goes somewhere.
Apparently they're making a 2016 update, it's going to be crap, there's no way they can pull off the same type of humour. Back then in the 90s things were not as common as they are now, Goldie Hawn's character was into her plastic surgery and back then plastic surgery was not common, nowadays no-one would make a big deal of that, also other things - the husbands for example - that scenario wouldn't mean anything in a movie today, tons of men have been with women for money and have left their wives for younger women, back in the 90s it was rarely talked about, that's why they could pull off that storyline back then.