Ok I don't get it

I usually agree with the ratings in here.. but 5,4?? I just don't get it.. I really enjoyed this movie and eventhough I'm from Denmark and don't really get that much of the whole baseball thing. Would somebody please explain to me, why it sucked? just curious 'cuz I really really don't get it..

please constructive criticism only


I began a thread where I asked the same thing, got no responses. I guess the reasons why it sucked are so obvious, they don't even need to be explained. <--sarcasm


haha I guess you're right..
it's not like I enjoyed Battlefield earth or any Uwe Boll film, I'm just very curious about this..

everytime I see it, I thoroughly enjoy it..

Oh well I guess.. this is just one of those movies that you supposed to hate


Great movie and in my opinion should at least have a 7 rating. Might be over the top at times but isnt that why its called a movie? I thought De Niro was just awesome as Gil Renard and Snipes played the part well too but I dont know, maybe it came out at the wrong time, was given a negative spin for some odd reason..anyway i could care less I loved it.


I thought the movie was amazing, thanks especially to Scott's genious editing. I felt De Niro's scenes were given an extra flare and feeling because of the editing. And well Snipes was amazing as always.


Let me tell you something: Good editing and some breathtaking views of the stadium from the helicopter can't make this a good movie. All in all the ending is predictable, cliche-istic, the bad guy dies and everything goes into place, the acting is not great, de Niro can do better, this is not a powerfull film. It doesn't transmit it's audience a message. From my point of view it's overrated at 5.4, this is a 4 - 5 movie. Please don't feel insulted if you are a fan of this movie, I just think it's very weak. I remember the "Taxi Driver" and he doesn't even compare to Renard.


I just watched this movie not more than 5 minutes ago.

Let's just say, it was not great. It wasn't awful, but it wasn't great. It wasn't what I'd call a good movie, but a good flick. Just something that's fun to watch once for a good time, regardless of its lack of quality.

It lacks character development. Why does Gil all of a sudden just become obsessed with Bobby. Why doesn't he become obsessed with getting his son back? It's just a gaping hole in the development of Gil and his state of mind.

Also, everything in the movie is obvious. There is no room for subtlety. Gil is crazy. I get it.

Plus why is he obsessed with Bobby? I thought he was more of a Giants fan than a Bobby fan. Shouldn't he be happy that Primo has a hot bat? It makes no sense.

The Fan does not deserve anything above a 4.5 rating. It was fun, but it was fun in the way that a flick like Secret Window can be fun, except this was better.


I loved the movie and the rating on this website will not change that.

For the person who asked why he became obsessed with Bobby, here are the answers: Gil's life is falling apart before his eyes. He's really in a dark place. At the same time, Bobby's slump begins and Gil identifies with Bobby's slump and the fact that can't control the direction of his own life. Basically, he begins to identify with Bobby and projects his feelings of anger through anyone who talks negative about Bobby. Because he wants to improve his own life, he sees an opportunity in "helping" Bobby regain the greatness he once had in order to, in a sick way, to help himself.

It is only after the beach scenes that Gil realizes that he and Rayburn aren't really the same and that spins him into total insanity (if he wasn't already there).

I think everyone in the movie did a good job and I'm shocked with the rating, too. I thought it would at least be in the 7s.


mysterioman007 did a great job of explaining the movie...
this was a great movie and i am shocked of the review...
i would give this movie a 8-9
de niro was fabulous as usual. no doubt he is the greatest actor of all time!


Can I ask a question? Why do people go "the ending was predictable so it sucked".... just because you can "predict" the end does that make for a crappy *beep* movie? NO... in fact , people like to figure things out, makes em fell all intelligent and the like!


very underrated!


i hate that manipulating editing


Same here. I was going through Tony Scott's filmography and catching up on the movies I missed or never felt compelled to watch.

I saw this one which goes by the simple title "The Fan". Now, I'm not a baseball guy, and there was nothing from the synopsis that screamed MUST WATCH but after watching I gave it a solid 7/10. I enjoyed watching it from beginning to end, the score is also great and though the second half is a bit over the top (which I expect from Hollywood movies in general) it's still a solid, and in my opinion, an underrated Tony Scott film.


Agree. I'd give it a 7.5, 8. Great thriller, with a masterful performance by the GOAT (or one of them).

Salter you can paint your AUssie...you are a joke - Matty1933

