Yep, this plays into Snake's decision too, and no doubt, all part of Carpenter's moral dilemma left to the viewer. The consequences of Snake's actions aside, the point here was for humanity to have a clean slate, to bring it together properly and to eviscerate the control of vile and corrupt institutions of government, and the disgusting Nazi police state that was brought into the US, with a lunatic President to go with it. The country became a pure despotic play ground, so it was time to do something about it, in Snake's mind. Let's face it guys, our world today isnt far off from this. Look what is going on with the NSA, laws like the 'patriot act, FISA, the NDAA, indefinite detention, due process being thrown out the window, Constitutional Free Zones 100mph to the border. The DHS is pretty much the SS these day with the ridiculous amount of ammunition purchases recently, 2bn of them, many of them hollow points. Its said this is enough for a 30yr war, and they only used 5mn rounds of ammo a month in Iraq, which we all know was a fraud and based on pure lies and fabricated garbage. The 'we need to keep you safe' and the whole 'Hoax on Terror' is just out of control, using fake ubiquitous boogie men to keep the population in a state of fear, as the police state grows and grows. We have a president right now who has kill lists, drone assassinations (the disposition matrix as its called) and who took one month, through his criminal AG, Holder, to answer Rand Paul's filibuster if it was 'ok to kill US citizens with drones' due to some mere suspicion of something. Then you have the criminal banking cartels of WS who do nothing but gamble 24-7 with mountains of worthless CDOs, interest rate swaps and selling derivative garbage all day that does nothing for the real economy.
Carpenter seen it all coming back in 81 with the first film, and well, its all ready to roll if they ever wanted to. Look up Presidential Directive 51 (PDD51), Rex 84, Operation Cable Splicer, The MIAC Report, etc. There is endless gov documents on all the radical crap these despots have been planning. Its sickening, it really is.
Which leads me to your great point. If Snake gave the device back to the 'President', well...he was going to shut off MX/Cuba anyway, as well as wipe out whatever forces were landing on US shores. So that's 2 countries going 'poof' right there. Considering he was a total megalomaniac, its obvious he would have done it again to another country who dared oppose his policies or wasnt bowing down in some way. The fish rots from the head down and only gets worse, and never gets better. So, Snake gives it back, then people just die slower and more incremental, until the US is the last place on earth with nuclear power and electricity. That why he said at the end: 'America shuts off the 3rd world, it wins. If the third world does it, they win...the more things change, the more they stay the same.' It never ends, and Snake had enough of the back and forth bs.
Yes, sure, his actions would have killed millions. One can say, it wasnt his choice to 'play god' in that scenario, but the President was pretty much a demon of the worst kind. And as someone else pointed out, Stalin took up 60mn. Chinese data shows Mao took out up to 80mn, and 60mn conservatively. Hitler took out a good 22mn. Since 1900, Democide has been the culprit for the most deaths incurred. Know what democide is? That would be: DEATH BY GOVERNMENT. Yep, the #1 killer of all time. Something to think about, indeed.
The level of tyranny you will live under, is the exact amount you'll put up with--Thomas Jefferson