The president, even before the big quake, considered L.A. to be the new Sodom and Gommorah. Probably seemed appropriate for undesirables to be sent there.
As for New York, all we can do is speculate, since it was only mentioned in passing as one of Snake's legendary feats. I have two theories: 1) New York is used as the prison for the eastern half of the country, and L.A. for the west. Most likely, imo, just because it's simple. 2) The beginning narration states that L.A. is the "deportation zone." So, maybe the prisoners there have officially been deported, not imprisoned, for some unknown reason. Maybe the rest of the population has been led to believe the people sent there have been deported and sent to live in some other nation. New York is used for the more serious offenders who clearly should be imprisoned and not just deported.
Thit and thpin!