MovieChat Forums > Emma (1996) Discussion > I love this movie!

I love this movie!

I loved the book, and I think this film is very faithful to the original story. I also think they Gwyneth Paltrow made a really good Emma. A lot of people hate this film. Why?
Mommy to two little monsters


This version has some of my favourite actors but something just didn't work for me with this adaptation. It's all just too bright and cheerful.

Elton is presented as being in love with Emma when he's really just a pushy social climber and Emma's selfish thoughtlessness was played down, including the potentially disasterous consequences for Harriet. I also disliked the way it was immediately obvious who the romantic hero was, and the fact that the Frank/Jane storyline was just shoved to one side, because IMO that's one of the most entertaining elements of the book. Mr Woodhouse came across as very unpleasant and unlikeable and it's a criminal waste not to give Sophie Thompson and Phyllida Law more screen time. The only thing I really liked in this version was Robert Martin. I don't hate this version, I just think there's something not quite meeting my image of the novel.

My favourite is probably the made for TV version with Mark Strong/Kate Beckinsdale. The 1972 BBC mini has some nice touches too, even though you can tell it's mostly filmed on a set with a minute budget, including my favorite Mr Woodhouse, John Knightley and an outstanding Augusta Elton.

The people have appointed me. I am their leader. I must follow them.


I love this movie too.Gwyneth was perfectly cast as Emma.All the actors were amazing actually,and the Rachel Portman's score was very beautiful(a well deserved oscar win).


I quite like this movie. It looks absolutely beautiful and the acting's mainly great. I don't really know if this or the Kate Beckinsale version is the best one - I like them almost equally.

The 1972 one had a hilarious Mr Woodhouse, though. He was great.

“It sounded as if you were having Bella for lunch, and we came to see if you would share.”

