MovieChat Forums > Emma (1996) Discussion > Question about the movie

Question about the movie

In the scene where Emma played the piano and sang, does anyone know if Gwynneth Paltrow was really singing?


Yes, that was her.

Come, we must press against the tide of naughtiness. Mind your step.


OK, does anyone know WHAT she's singing?


Silent Worship, or "Non lo diro col labbro"
Emma and Frank sing the English adaptation of this aria from G. F. Handel's Tolomeo (Ptolemy) (1728) at the Coles' party.

English Lyrics

Did you not hear My Lady
Go down the garden singing
Blackbird and thrush were silent
To hear the alleys ringing...

Oh saw you not My Lady
Out in the garden there
Shaming the rose and lily
For she is twice as fair.

Though I am nothing to her
Though she must rarely look at me
And though I could never woo her
I love her till I die.

Surely you heard My Lady
Go down the garden singing
Silencing all the songbirds
And setting the alleys ringing...

But surely you see My Lady
Out in the garden there
Rivaling the glittering sunshine
With a glory of golden hair.

Info from Emma Adaptations Page

