I've never cared for Emma at all. She begins meddling, snobby, and self-centered. Granted the snobbery and self-centeredness could be natural for someone in her position- the baby of a wealthy family, and I could forgive her the qualities if she evolved, but I never saw much growth in her character to be honest. The way she reacts to Harriet's feelings for Mr. Knightley, serious or not, really bothers me. I would be upset as well if my friend was in love with the same person I was, but that's all Emma seems to care about- that Harriet's being in love with Mr. Knightley is inconvenient for her. Never mind that she toyed with Harriet's life up one side and down the other, she is still more concerned about herself than anyone else.
I see more growth in Emma in the book than in the movie, but she irritates me even more in the original novel. Her treatment of Miss Bates and her dislike of Jane Fairfax for no reason very much rub me the wrong way.
I love Jane Austen very much, like the book itself, and adore Mr. Knightley (my favorite Austen hero, tied with Tilney), but I can't stand Emma for the world.