MovieChat Forums > Emma (1996) Discussion > Did Frank Churchill really love Emma at ...

Did Frank Churchill really love Emma at one point?

THe scene where Frank was about to tell Emma who he had feelings for before returning home. He says he has developed feelings for someone.... but is interupted by his father coming in. Was he about to tell her that he loved her, or that he was in love with Jane Fairfax?


With Jane Fairfax. At no point did Frank have feelings other than friendship for Emma.

The people have appointed me. I am their leader. I must follow them.


were you watching the same movie?


in his letter at the end of the book he says that he thought emma knew his love for jane and have any fears of emma falling in love with them
so no it was jane he was in love with not emma


He was about to confide in her that he was secretly engaged to Jane. He saw Emma as a friend and was very fond of her, but he didn't love her.

However, he was a bit of a flirt and had a mischiveous side. He thought it amusing to let the gossips believe that there was something between him and Emma because it drew attention away from him and Jane. But he never meant to lead Emma on, so it was lucky really that she didn't have feelings for him.


I agree with you, Taffybird, and want to add to what you said that I believe he thought all along that Emma knew he was not in love with her. In fact, I think he believed that she knew his secret!


In the book he claims he did indeed think she knew his secret. At one point Emma makes a comment about Mrs. Elton, and though she means one thing, he thinks she means something else entirely and is dropping a hint and letting him know that she knows. But of course, she had no idea, although (again, in the book) Knightly kind of figures it out well in advance and actually runs it by Emma, but she says "no way."


In the book, Frank felt that Emma was indifferent to him so he was comfortable carrying on like he was in love without risking her feelings. They both only felt friendship towards each other.
