MovieChat Forums > Emma (1996) Discussion > A little hard to follow at the beginning...

A little hard to follow at the beginning

I just saw this movie and I loved it, even tough Emma frustrated me in some scenes but made laugh in others.

The only problem I had with this movie that so many names made It a little difficult to follow at the beginning but as the movie advances it gets easier.
Anyway thinking about it it's not that hard all period pieces start a little confusing, it requires our patience to see them getting developed with time.

At the end most period romances are classic not twilight crap


Try reading the book. It's all there. And it's even better than the movie.


Thanks I will?
Maybe if I read the book before I wouldn't have found the movie confusing at all.


My point exactly. :-)


Thanks for the suggestion i will download as soon as I buy an iTunes card


I've had this problem before as well, and it's particularly true for Period films. Reading the book is always recommended, though it always creates the problem that the movie adaptation will never be as good as the book (especially Jane Austen). And many people simply won't have time to read a book.

But I do find myself spending far too much mental time trying just to figure out who is who and their various relationships when watching films. If it's on DVD, I simply plan to watch it twice: once to get to know the characters and once again to simply watch the film. I also don't consider it wrong, though some would, to read a synopsis of the film or book beforehand. Yes, it spoils any surprises, but at least you know what's going on.


For those who don't have time to read, there is an audio book, read by the wonderful Juliet Stevenson, who plays Mrs. Elton here.

Oh, right. So, she secretly trained a flock of sandflies.


While I didn'the have this problem with Emma, I had this same exact problem with War and Peace! To be honest, I've never attempted to read the book, but when I saw there was a mini-series about it, I was excited! I couldn't get more than 20 minutes into it because of all the character introductions and who was involved with who and how and why, right off the bat in the first 5 minutes! Way too confusing! As the other poster said, perhaps if we read the books first and slowly read on paper the character introductions, it obviously would have been easier at our own pace, but in movies, they need to consider how fast they are throwing this information at the viewer! lol I definitely relate to your sentiment! =)
