How heavily edited?

I recently viewed my copy of this DVD (from Tai Seng via Amazon), and I get the strange feeling that this version is edited. The running time on this version is 98 minutes. However, I can't help but wonder how much was cut from this DVD...
For example, in the opening scene, when Anthony Wong removes that woman's tongue, it appears there has been material removed from the print. The camera shows Mr. Wong moving in to inflict damage on her mouth, blade moving towards the tongue. Then it shows her mouth very bloody. It did not show the actually cutting of her tongue. Does this appear in unedited versions? There are a few other instances where I got the strange feelings choice bits of graphic gore were omitted. Does anyone know about this matter? I would appreciate a low down on what exactly has been cut from the Tai Seng version of this DVD. Thank you...


What you describe is the same content wise as the Dutch Japan Shock and the Hong Kong Universe dvds. Both these are the exact same print so I wouldn't be surprised if the one you mentioned came from the same source. So in other words this is as uncensored as we are likely to get, however it is rumoured that 3 mins worth of edited material will be included as an extra on the forth coming Joy Sales release from Hong Kong. Acccording to HK film journalist Miles Woods the censored footage still exists as he recently interviewed the director and he confirmed it does Hopefully these 3 mins of edits will be the missing gore.


Thanks! I am quite a stickler for unedited full-on versions of films (especially when it comes to gore and sex)...


With all the other content still present in this film, I wonder why anyone would want to cut out a tongue-cutting scene! doesn't make much sense.

I also suspected there was a cut during this scene, it wasn't exactly a subtle cut was it.


All the deleted footage is extra violence, gore and some sexual content. However, the film itself is still the 98 minute edited version which has been around for a long time.

One day I'll get around to re-editing the movie on my pc so it'll run as a complete uncut version with the edited footage included in the running time of the film.


Golden Harvest cut all the good stuff out, most copies ar from this print.

**I move away from the mic to breathe in


The way the film is edited, it seems to me that the special effects 'insert shots' weren't completed. I'd be very surprised if a longer version was issued.
