a remake?

first of all, I am a HUGE fan of this movie since I was a kid and so is my friend, one day we were watching it and she told me that the studio who made it was planning on a remake. Now I was about to flip out because when you really think about it, this movie is now only 11 years old, not that old, the graphics look real, heck, I believe d the dragon was real when I was 12! but then she told me that Sean Connery was going to do the voice of the new Draco shich calmed me down a little, but I must know, is there really going to be a remake? or is this a just a rumor?



This is the first I've heard of this and I really hope there's no truth to it. I'm also a huge fan of this movie and I know a remake would be awful. First of all Hollywood has been churning out too many unnecessary remakes and sequels lately (although I loved Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) and this movie is absolutely does not need to be remade. The effects are still better than a lot of newer films and I think a remake would probably be rushed for the cheap thrills of showing off fast camera cuts and cool angles with no story or substance and way more green screen backgrounds than are necessary.
The point is this movie was perfect as it is and should be left alone. No remakes no sequels and no prequels. Although a prequel could be interesting if done right but it wouldn't be. And don't mention sequels to me because I already know and I'm trying to pretend that that abomination never happened. Ninjas? ugh.


A remake, you've got to be joking no,no,no absolutley no remakes. although I like some remakes but a remake for DragonHeart won't do it any justice.


Well there is a sequel called "Dragonheart: New Beginning" but no I've never heard about a remake and hope they never, EVER remake this. It amazing just the way it is!



They should never remake this.

And besides, with Sean Connery officially retired (they couldn't even get him to be in Indiana Jones 4), I don't think it will happen.


I certainly hope that's a rumor. Why on Earth would you want to remake it? I don't understand why they remake good movies, what's the point?


Little early for a remake, isn't it? It's not that old of a movie.
Sounds like a rumor to me. I wouldn't want a remake anyway...it's fine just the way it is.


Its only 12 years old,thats just silly.



I don't see the point in doing a remake of this movie, is just 12 years old and the SFX dont even look aged, if someone told me that this movie was made yesterday, I would believe it.

The cast is great as well, and for a remake they would hardly get the same actors (David Thewlis, Sean Connery, Dennis Quaid, DIna Meyer, Jason Isaacs, Pete Postlewaithe, Julie Christie, etc).

There is absolutely no reason to remake this movie, if anything, making a Director's cut version in which they re add the scenes that didn't make it to the final cut.

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