What dragon are you?

I am a A Energy Drake!

Hey, I took the http://dragonhame.com online Inner Dragon quiz and found out I am a Energy Drake on the inside.

In the war between good and evil, Energy Drakes take the side of the noble and good....
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon tends to do things by the book. ...
As far as magical tendancies, Your inner dragon has the ability to conquer the world of magic, but it will not be easy....
During combat situations, the Energy Drake shows a preference for the rending and slashing of Hand to Hand combat....


Phoebe: Are you making spaghetti sauce?
Piper: No, that's demon blood.


Take the test. It's not long and it's really fun!!!!

Phoebe: Are you making spaghetti sauce?
Piper: No, that's demon blood.



I'm an amethyst dragon.


I got titanium dragon.


I´m a Starshield Dragon.


gold dragon

without death there is no life
without chaos no peace
without hate no love


and your inner dragon is a ....

Wind Dragon

In the war between good and evil, Wind Dragons take the side of the noble and good.
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon tends to do things by the book.
As far as magical tendancies, a Wind Dragon's nature does not lend itself well to the ways of Magic.
During combat situations, the Wind Dragon shows a preference for the rending and slashing of Hand to Hand combat.

Dragon Description:
The Wind Dragon, as it's name implies, lives most of it's life airborne, drifting high on air flows. The Wind Dragon only comes to the ground in order to raise it's young until they are grown enough to join it's parents drifting amongst the winds.

The Wind Dragon is white in color and has a great wingspan to help it in it's airborne habitat. Unlike most other dragons, it's wings are feathered like those of a bird. The feathers are slightly reflective, causing them to sparkle brightly in daylight.

Wind Dragons do not tend to speak the languages of earth dwellers, although they do speak to other dragons and to their own kind using a high pitch keening noise. Wind Dragons are peaceful in nature, but are known for attacking evil creatures on sight.A Wind Dragon will not pass by when an innocent is in need of help. With their keen eyesight and sharp talons, they are the bane of brigands and highway robbers.

This Dragons favorite elements are: Pearls, Wisdom, and Innocence


I'm a Warder Dragon. I can't remeber everthing it said about me but I know I'm good, fat(not really fat but really large), I like food, and I'm peaceful.


Apparently, I'm a Wind Dragon:

I am a A Wind Dragon!

Hey, I took the http://dragonhame.com online Inner Dragon quiz and found out I am a Wind Dragon on the inside.

In the war between good and evil, Wind Dragons take the side of the noble and good....
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon tends to do things by the book. ...
As far as magical tendancies, a Wind Dragon's nature does not lend itself well to the ways of Magic....
During combat situations, the Wind Dragon shows a preference for the rending and slashing of Hand to Hand combat....
The Wind Dragon, as it's name implies, lives most of it's life airborne, drifting high on air flows. The Wind Dragon only comes to the ground in order to raise it's young until they are grown enough to join it's parents drifting amongst the winds.'
The Wind Dragon is white in color and has a great wingspan to help it in it's airborne habitat. Unlike most other dragons, it's wings are feathered like those of a bird. The feathers are slightly reflective, causing them to sparkle brightly in daylight.'
Wind Dragons do not tend to speak the languages of earth dwellers, although they do speak to other dragons and to their own kind using a high pitch keening noise. Wind Dragons are peaceful in nature, but are known for attacking evil creatures on sight. A Wind Dragon will not pass by when an innocent is in need of help. With their keen eyesight and sharp talons, they are the bane of brigands and highway robbers.
This Dragons favorite elements are: Pearls, Wisdom, and Innocence



Im a Flame Drake

Flame Drake

In the war between good and evil, Flame Drakes take the side of the noble and good.
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon tends to do things by the book.
As far as magical tendancies, Your inner dragon has the ability to conquer the world of magic, but it will not be easy.
During combat situations, whether by spells or by claw, your inner dragon will do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Dragon Description:
The Flame Drake is an elemental dragon. It makes it's home in active volcanoes and is totally unaffected by heat or fire.

Despite their imposing appearance, Flame Drakes are the guardians of good and make powerful and trustable allies. Their primary breath weapon is huge spray of molten lava.

The Flame Drake, as it's name implies, appears as a towering, living flame in the form of a dragon. Flame Drakes also radiate high levels of heat, and have a tendency to make melt and burn things for a 20 foot radius about their body.

This Dragons favorite elements are: Flames, Lava, and Stamina



Apparently I'm a Ruby Dragon =D

In the war between good and evil, Ruby Dragons take the side of the noble and good....
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon walks a fine line between Law and Chaos....
As far as magical tendancies, Your inner dragon has the ability to conquer the world of magic, but it will not be easy....
During combat situations, a true Ruby Dragon prefers to defeat opponents by the use of spells and other tactics....
The Ruby Dragon makes its home in lush forests with lots of flowers and abundant animal life. They treasure colorful things and bright sunshine.'
Appearing as a translucent ruby, it is a beautiful thing to see one as one flies overhead. The suns ray's pass through the dragon's body creating a deep red shadow. It's scales magnify the suns rays into bright ruby red beams to highlight this effect.'
Ruby Dragons harbor a great thirst for travel and foreign places, but always long to come home, for their home is their castle and refuge. A Ruby Dragons temper is fired up by injustice, and when a Ruby Dragon feels it is right, it is terribly difficult to change its opinion. Ruby Dragons appreciate creativity and artful thinking.
This Dragons favorite elements are: Rubies, Sunlight, and Wisdom


Oh no, not again...


I cant find it on there. Was it taken down or something?


Dragon of Fate


Sorry to bust on your balls but I'm a wolf :P


fun quiz thanks for posting , Im a ..

I am a A Warder Dragon!

I found out I am a Warder Dragon on the inside.
In the war between good and evil, Warder Dragons take the side of the noble and good....
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon tends to do things by the book. ...
As far as magical tendancies, Magical spells come as natural to the Warder Dragon as breathe from it's body....
During combat situations, whether by spells or by claw, your inner dragon will do whatever it takes to get the job done....

my dragon - species is described as

A large and bulky dragon, with large strong legs and arms. The size of these mammoth dragons starts from birth at the size of a mature border collie! But don't be fooled by these big dragons, they aren't slow, but aren't fast, and they tend to be more peaceful and talkative than most dragons.'

Warder dragons get their names from the fact that they radiate a holy magical aura from their large tattoo like markings that may be anywhere on their bodies, the aura destroys "pure evil" beings, but higher evil ones will just be phased. The warder dragon loves love, and enjoy being in relationships with mates, and they despise weight jokes and anti-self acceptance jokes. They will gladly fight when it comes to defending a homeland or their friends! '



I love David Duchovny,Robert Patrick,
David Boreanaz,Jerry O'Connell hottest guys in the world.


I am a A Ridgeback Drake!
Hey, I took the http://dragonhame.com online Inner Dragon quiz and found out I am a Ridgeback Drake on the inside.
In the war between good and evil, a Ridgeback Drake tends to walk the fine line of Neutrality....
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon is a risk taker and answers to no one....
As far as magical tendancies, Magical spells come as natural to the Ridgeback Drake as breathe from it's body....
During combat situations, the Ridgeback Drake shows a preference for the rending and slashing of Hand to Hand combat....


I am an Electrum Dragon!

In the war between good and evil, types take the side of the noble and good.
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon tends to do things by the book.
As far as magical tendancies, Your inner dragon has the ability to conquer the world of magic, but it will not be easy.
During combat situations, a true Electrum Dragon prefers to defeat opponents by the use of spells and other tactics.
Dragon Description:

The Electrum Dragon is a transmutation from the element of earth to those of fire and air. it embodies the secondary element of electricity. The hatchlings are clothed in scales in shades of silver and gold, from eggs that resemble ordinary rocks. Unhatched Electrum dragon eggs can often be found as thunder eggs.

As the dragon matures, it becomes more and more a creature of energy, and upon its first flight, during a thunderstorm, it will be transformed into its adult form by a bolt of lightning. When it chooses to take a visible form, the adult can be varied shades, from pure white to electric blue, or hot pale purple, orange or reddish. Electricity is often dancing about its lithe form in a constant halo.This dragon is loyal to its few close friends, and does not associate often with humans, preferring the company of more elemental creatures. When its slow temper is roused to defend itself or friends, this dragon moves with the speed of lightning and attacks with powerful electric bolts. Their unseen presence overhead is often indicated by a faint smell of ozone, and humans in the area may notice static electricity making their skin tingle and hair stand on end.



Dragon of Fate

In the war between good and evil, a Dragon of Fate tends to walk the fine line of Neutrality.
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon walks a fine line between Law and Chaos.
As far as magical tendancies, Your inner dragon has the ability to conquer the world of magic, but it will not be easy.
During combat situations, the Dragon of Fate shows a preference for the rending and slashing of Hand to Hand combat.

Dragon Description:
They will often appear at key moments in human history, but generally just as observers as they do not like to interfere in the natural course of human events. There are occasions however where they will use their powers, but only in the direst of circumstances when the balance of the universe is threatened.
When the balance is threatened they will retreat to a plane of existence where they can see each and every strand of life in the universe. They will isolate a particular strand or strands and either change that strands course, or in very rare occasions, cut the strand out of the web, which is why they need the sharp talons. Though no one has ever seen this plane, the rumors are that the pattern of life is so beautiful that if one were to gaze upon it they would lose all sense of themselves and simply cease to exist. It is for this reason that Dragons of Fate have to be very cold and objective, for only they can gaze upon this web and not be awed by its beauty

R.I.P #27 Darrent Williams 1982-2007
R.I.P #29 Damien Nash 1982-2007


Looks like it's been taken down.

http://www.cgonzales.net & http://www.drxcreatures.com
