Memo to Hollywood

Make a good dragon film, already! All films with focus on dragons sucks. Its not like they can`t do the visuals, so just get some good writers together and cook up something new, original and great with some badass dragons. The best we have so far is the mediocre Reign of Fire and this... Common people!


How to train your Dragon was good but now that I've seen ILM's debut animated film "Rango" I thought of another Dragonheart movie but in a prequel with that level of serious action, comedic fun and a witty menagerie of dragons.


Yeah, I heard that was good but I didn`t count that one as it is an animated film, and they work on a different level. I think Reign of Fire went in the right direction; live action, current setting (then jumps to the future when they have taken over), and had an action-adventure mix that was not for kids. However, I think it needed more imagination, thrills and action. Maybe more like Alien than Pixar...


I don't agree. Go back a few decades, watch Dragonslayer, profit.



Hollywood did make a great dragon movie. It was called Dragonheart. Also Dragonslayer. Both of these were great dragon movies. And so was How to Train Your Dragon.

Aside from those three though pretty much all other dragon movies are terrible. Reign of Fire was too bland and grey, with hardly any dragons in it, Dungeons and Dragons was one of the most amusingly awful movies ever made and Eragon just sucked.

Does The Hobbit count? The film's not finished yet but I have little doubt that it will be fantastic. There's a big difference between movies about dragons and movies that just have dragons in them, like Harry Potter and Beowulf for example, but Smaug plays a pretty significant role in the story of The Hobbit. He is after all the central element of the quest. I think it would be safe to say that Smaug is as essential to the plot as Vermithrax was in Dragonslayer, so it ought to count.
