Yeah but there's no connection, atleast not in the names, but maybe the actors were good friends, and Jason Issacs nominated David Thewlis to play Lupin.
Well, if that has anything to do with anything, it was the other way around. Because they orginally cast David Thewlis as Quirrell, but then they're like, "Wait, this guy might make a good Lupin," and instead they cast Ian Hart as Quirrel, and he was rather good. That was a good little decision there.
Also, David Thewlis and Julie Chrisite have the same agent. But I love playing with all the similarities in actors and names and everything else, because it's just so awesome.
also Ian hart and Davis Thewlis are supposed to be friends and Ian had such a good time being in HP he reccomended it to David. well, thats what i've heard anyway.
Julie Christie, who played Queen Aislynn, Einon's mother, played Madame Rosmerta, the barmaid of the Three Broomsticks, in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the film where David Thewlis's character is introduced.
Life in a box is better than no life at all. You could lie there and think, at least I'm not dead.
Was Jason Issacs in this too? It was on early this morning, but I didn't really watch it. It was just on after Dead Zone on USA and I saw David Thewlis' name in the beginning. Lupin is one of my favorite Potter characters so I decided to watch some. I watched around the first 15-20 minutes, didn't see him so I turned it off.
Yeah, I randomly flipped it on this morning too and was about to turn it off when I stopped, looked, and thought, "Wait... that's the guy who plays Remis Lupin huh?! HEY! And the guy he just punched in the stomach is the guy who plays Lucius Malfoy!" lol It must be fun working on the set at the Harry Potter movies. Not just because of the film that's being made but because so many of the actors have probably been friends for ages. :D
If you watched the beginning, David was the homely-looking punk repeatedly getting killed in training by his mentor... then his father was killed and he got his chest pushed onto a spike, then he was healed by a dragon and next thing you know he's running a slave labor camp and ordering atrocities. Not an easy character to miss.
The opening scene reminded me of The Lion in Winter. Kinda annoying that you can guess a young prince won't be a hero in the film just because they cast an unhandsome actor. Sure, his manner was a bigger clue but if he were better-looking, I'd have held out hope for his reform. It sounds terrible but it's true.
This is one reason why I adore British movies, because so many of the actors had acted together in different movies. Like in The Borrowers, Jim Broadbent (Prof. Slughorn) and Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) played father and son. Jim Broadbent and Dame Maggie Smith (Prof. McGonagel) were in Richard III. Heck, Jim Broadbent with almost ANY British actor, about half of which were in or almost in a Harry Potter movie.
Wolverine: Hey hey, it's me. Cyclops: Prove it. Wolverine: You're a dick. Cyclops: Ok.
Judging by the fact that Harry Potter is basically one long rip-off of every fantasy story-book-movie ever told-written-made, it wouldn't surprise me if the author saw this movie and named the characters with this movie and it's actors in mind and the story was known in british acting circles and so the movie was cast as kind of an inside joke/nod to that story.