A few questions

Maybe it was explained, but if so I didn't see it- why did Rear Admiral Graham despise Lt. Commander Dodge so much ? Why was he wearing khakis when the other officers were wearing summer whites ? And how did Engineman 1st Class Stepanak make E6 ?


The admiral didn't like his unorthodox style.

Maybe he didn't have time to call ahead and coordinate ahead of time.



I seem to remember thinking Admiral Graham disliked Dodge because Dodge was a renegade, he was unorthadox, and Graham was a stuffy old fart who was probably an old traditionalist who is so set in his ways, Dodge is not one who toes the party line and his antics anger...Only Admiral Winslow saw Dodge's potential as he himself was somewhat of a renegade himself, and Graham probably resented that friendship...basically Tom Dodge was nobodies bitch or yes man, whereas Carl Knox probably had a brown nose on account of how far it was shoved up Graham's.....


Thanks Fozzy. I just thought it was really odd that a senior officer would develop such disdain for an officer so much lower in rank. Then again, the Navy submarine community is probably a small world where everyone knows everyone.
To be fair, Carl Knox seemed like a good officer. He was really just following orders and was a more conventional submarine skipper.


He was really just following orders and was a more conventional submarine skipper.

Yes, but that conventionality enables Dodge to outsmart him again and again.

Two of hubby's aquaintainances are twenty year, forced out navy men. When we asked them they both agreed that U.S. Navy combat stratagy thinking at the top is mired in days long past. Original thinking is never tolorated. They also both agreed that when the SHTF the surface navy would last about 30 minutes, tops.

And yet they said that the old saying still stands : "The larger the aircraft carrier, the happier the admiral"

Know the Death of Religion, Know the Death of Hate and Fear
