MovieChat Forums > Down Periscope (1996) Discussion > what amazes me about this movie and IMDB...

what amazes me about this movie and IMDB it's the only movie...

Its the only movie on IMDB that I have ever come across that is universally liked by everyone. Not one complaint about this movie in all of its postings. I don't know what it is about this movie that makes it so much fun, none of it is original, or clever, its just a great movie with a great cast that seem to have a great time making a silly movie.

We end up watching this movie at least 4x a year and enjoy it every time. That makes this movie very special.


and yet the IMDB readers scored it a 5.4 out of 10.....


It's a comedy not meant to be taken seriously.

Comedies tend to be one of to types

You love it or...
It's just not your type of comedy.

Trolls and other hater morons only come out of the woodwork or whatever rock they live under in serious drama movies with a point to be made.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


I think the reason for the praise on the boards here is that it's an older film that really leaves no reason to hate it. There was no controversy, it knows exactly what it is and the cast clicked. Those of us who enjoyed it come here to talk about it. There aren't too many positive message boards anywhere on the internet, so be thankful!


I have to watch it every time it's on as well. In fact, I just did. :)

Great comedy, with great actors/characters.

§ Humans! You're not worth the flesh you're printed on! §


I second you! I LOVED this movie though could not watch it complete due to a power outage.

Ever since I am searching for a disc (I am not a pirate!) but it is not available online, here in India.

I shall keep on asking for it in the b&m stores and keep it forever, watching it 5x a year!


This is just a fun movie, with some fun characters, a nicely ludicrous plot and it is completely harmless in every way.

What's not to love about it?

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.



agreed completely, but there are lots of movies that fit that description, but they all have some grump-pot that has something to complain about it, (eg, plothole, racsist, or some nonsense) This is the only message forum I have seen that literally has not a single complaint about it.


Yeah, it is kind of weird. However, I think this is one of those movies which have simply slid under the radars of most people. The people who have sniffed it out are the kind of people who usually enjoy this style of comedy - and this is just about a perfect example of how to do the "Police Academy style" humour right. As in, better than Police Academy managed to do it.

So the people who bother to find it, watch it and go to the IMDb board to comment about it, are the people who like it - and were, essentially, always going to like it.

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.
