I was a nuke on the Narwhal (SSN-671) from '83-'88. The only places you COULDN'T smoke were: the Reactor Compartment, the Battery Well, berthing areas, the mess deck and galley during mealtimes, during a battery charge, and when the "Smoking Lamp" was out during other activities (e.g. loading diesel fuel oil.) Otherwise, it was, "smoke 'em if you got 'em"!
When I transferred to NPTU Charleston, they eliminated smoking indoors. The only time I was able to light-up was when we tested the emergency diesel (in AMR-2) to test the automatic shutdown. Since the diesel drew on the compartment air and AMR-2 was isolated, another staff member and I decided to have a smoke. The two students with us followed our lead and lit up, too. It was our way of sticking it to the man!
I GTFO (got the *beep* out) in early '91 so I don't know what happened in the Fleet. I did watch a program on the History Channel about life onboard a sub and they limited smoking to ONE area on the boat. Gotta be good for morale!
Now I see that the anti-smoking Nazis have banned smoking in many public places. "Hey there, Mr. Congressman, if it's so bad, make it illegal. Oh, that's right... you need the tax money for your Socialist programs!" Why can't I smoke in an OUTDOOR football stadium if it was partly paid for by sin-taxes on tobacco?!