how is his dad younger than him
how is his dad younger than him??
shareThat's...the...joke. It's a parody of Boyz In the Hood where Trey's dad is only 16 or 17 years older than him, and how in real life, Cuba and Laurence are only like 10 years apart.
shareHis dad isn't younger than him. He's only older by a few years.
shareHe was older then his dad in the movie
offyerswod= MVPs biggest fan
MVP Mark
No he's not...just before he moves back in with him he said his dad was only a few years older than him.
shareIn the beginning he says his dad is only a few years older than him, but they have the part where he's going to a party and the dad says "Can I go?" and he says "Sorry, it's only 18 and over", so it is confusing, but it's all part of the joke, you guys. Don't over analyze it.
shareChrist, yeah, it's not that important, it's absurdity. His dad is such a hilarious character, and the actor is incredibly funny with his facial expressions and timing.
Who you callin' psycho?
-Roy Munson
Its definitely just making fun of Boyz in the Hood. In real life Cuba Gooding jr and Laurence Fishburne are only seven years apart lol. But hey Cuba Gooding can do amazing things. He looked like way older in Jerry Maguire, then he looked like he was 17 in Radio years later.
shareAshtray's dad is younger than him - watch the scene again. His dad was supposed to be 17 years old.
shareIt's a movie.... since when do movies have to make sense?
shareYou guys are reading too much into this. As clearly already stated, it's a reference to Boyz In Da Hood and Cuba and Laurence's characters. Laurence was 30. Cuba was 22. This bothered some people when it first came out.
So this movie played on that, Lahmard is really only one year older than Shawn, and looks like he could be 5 years younger. I was surprised to find out he's an almost 40 year old man(as well as Larnez Tate's older brother) when he looked like he could've been 16 when he was in this movie.
Twisted Bliss
LOL it obliviously a joke, it part of the movie hilarious comedy.
Just like you cannot get pregnant 30 seconds after having sec lol
--All girl groups r worst than TLC. There will never be another. They were original, creative,etc--
yes, i got the joke instantly. the first time i saw boyz in the hood i was thinkin the same thing
shareLawrence's character tries to teach morals and values. The dad in D.B.A.M is telling Ashtray to not use condoms, drive while drunk etc etc. lol it's like the most obvious parody in the film. So the age thing is blatantly taking the piss out of the age gap in Boyz.
I can't believe that needed explaining hehe.
chuck norris lost his virginty before his father
Man, the OP is looking too much into it. That was the entire point of the joke! It's not a serious movie. Hell, it's not even a comedy that has a true storyline. It's a spoof movie!
On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.