Sooooo many 40 ounces in this movie.

It's the most I've ever seen. Does anyone else like to drink them? I like Olde English and Colt 45.


Hell no....I hate beer period.


I hate the smell of beer.


There's soooo many white boys on To Catch A Predator.


Olde English tastes like it's made from fermented toe cheese, and Colt 45 tastes like it's made from expensive fermented toe cheese. They are both disgusting. But, it's cheap, so a lot of people drink it.

Sort of like Milwaukee's Best, colloquially known as "Beast". It's disgusting, but they sell a ton of it. The Ice version sells even more, as it's more bang for the buck. Nasty stuff.

The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?


If you drink just one 40 ounce Olde E, the next one tastes like Apple Juice! I kid you not!!! I usually tape out after 2 of them, but sometimes I have gotten into a 3rd one.. an epic blackout always ensues, however.


nastiest crap on Earth. it's only meant for one thing. to get you drunk. you don't drink it for the taste


Man it's been along time since i pounded some 40's of disgusting beer
