The fans... easily the stupidist plot angle ever!
Was there no one during the making of this movie that couldn't come up with a better idea than this fan thing?
"We can only turn them off for 2 & 1/2 minutes". I know, she explains it as the safety mechanism for too low an oxegen level... but seriously... why that amount ot time... and why is it the total time for ALL the fans?
"There no second shutdown". And what exactly would be the reason engineers made it so that it could only get turned off once?
Couldn't we just unplug them from the grid? This has to be the worst plot device in the history of action movies. It is just dumb... I MEAN REALLY DUMB! For the most part, I enjoy movies like this, even with their believability. I can suspend disbelief along with the best of them. But this one really bugs me.
Is it just me or does anyone else have serious issues with this? BTW, I know it was mentioned in other posts but none under the title of the fans specifically.
"I think that boy's cheese slid off his cracker" The Green Mile